
The Importance Of The Tenth Amendment In Schools

Decent Essays

The Tenth Amendment gives the authority of the states and school officials control conduct in the schools. Actions have to be consistent with federal constitutional safeguards. The state’s authority over education have the power to tax and provide for the general welfare of its citizens.

The state legislature has absolute power to make laws governing education, and pass laws on a variety of issues affecting public schools. State legislatures have the authority to raise revenue and distribute educational funds, control teacher licensure, prescribe curricular offerings, establish pupil performance standards, and regulate other aspects of public school operations. They also create, reorganize, consolidate, and abolish school districts.

State agencies have a role in providing details for state laws by adopting …show more content…

Congress has enacted legislation providing substantial federal support for research and instructional programs in areas such as science, mathematics, reading, special education, vocational education, career education, and bilingual education, based on the general welfare rationale. Congress has provided financial assistance for the school lunch program and for services to meet the special needs of various groups of students.
The Ordinances of 1785 and 1787 provide land grants to states for the maintenance of public schools. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, supply funds for compensatory education programs for economically disadvantaged students attending public and non-profit private schools. The No Child Left Behind Act, requires states to implement accountability systems with higher performance standards in reading, mathematics, and science. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 barred sex discrimination against participants in education

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