
The Importance Of Timed Writing

Decent Essays

I absolutely abhor having to do the timed writings. When I writing anything, I like to take my time and give myself a few seconds to pause between each sentence to think of what my name word typed, or written will be. I have time to realize that this sentence should actually go in a different place, and I have time to plan out my response so I can formulate a proper five paragraph essay When writing with only eighty minutes to finish two essay not only do I get stressed out, I can’t properly produce an accurate representation of my writing ability. My first problem with timed writings is that in order to do it properly, you have to write with a pen. I’m fine with writing with pens when I’m trying to writing something that’ll stand out in notes, …show more content…

With such a short amount of time, no one's writing will be at a the wanted standard. Everyone is rushing to finish in time that it’s easy to forget a small part the prompt that asks for specific details from the book. Not only that, but it's easy to persuade yourself into thinking that as long as you finish the essay it’s better than having all of the prompt answered. As the time begins to tick closer and closer to your end time, all the stress you’ve built up begins to boil inside until you start frantically scribbling down sentences and thinking “I guess a two sentence paragraph will have to do.” Everyone is rushing to writing and putting down their first thoughts. Which is why it might be better to have it be timed, so that teachers can see our first thoughts on a prompt. If you do want to see what ideas the prompt sparked then have it be timed, but don’t grade on spelling and punctuation, as long as it’s legible and you can understand what they’re trying the demonstrate, then that should be what’s graded. I can honestly say, that the only success in the two essays that I wrote, was that I finished them. Timed writing only add to the stress in student lives; they don’t accurately illustrate a student's writing ability, and the time limit only persuades students to think it’s acceptable to have their writings be

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