
The Importance Of Trojans In The Trojan War

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Virgil first depicts humans as unthoughtful through the ignorance of the Trojans. In Virgil’s story, during the Trojan War, the Greeks have a plan to hide their men inside of a giant wooden horse to get inside the city of Troy. When this enormous gift shows up in Troy, few people are suspicious, and most people want to accept the gift. The men of Troy receive many warnings, but still end up taking the horse into the walls of their city. Laocoön, a Trojan priest, tries to assist the Trojans and tells them, “Men of Troy, what madness has come over you?/Can you believe the enemy had truly gone?/A gift from the Danaans, and no ruse?” (II. 59-61) This priest was the first to legitimately question the gift, and even after hearing this warning from someone so wise, the Trojans decided to accept the gift into their city. If the Trojans would have listened to the priest, they could have won the war and saved many lives. Instead of thinking through why their enemy would give them such a present, the men acted impulsively and completely misjudged the situation. Not only did the Trojans receive warnings about the horse from their own friends, but the blindly trusted a man they knew nothing about. As the Trojans were contemplating their decision, the Greeks sent a secret weapon to trick them. Sinon, a sneaky Greek, showed up to the gates of Troy ready to convince the Trojans to accept the Greek’s gift. Sinon is introduced as an unknown prisoner and this causes the Trojans to sympathize

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