Students from schools with a uniform policy say that uniforms have affected the way they feel about themselves in an unsatisfactory way. Uniforms are proven to slow down the transition into becoming an adult because students are not used to choosing their own clothing. Wearing a uniform opens an opportunity for students to judge each other’s bodies based on how they look and it creates room for drama and bullying. The uniforms can also obstruct a student from expressing themselves. Schools should not require a school uniform policy because they delay the transition into adulthood, they cause students to compare their bodies and bullying each other, and uniforms restrict a student’s self-expression and personality. School uniforms delay a …show more content…
Teachers were unsure and waited until the principal arrived, who announced that during the month of Ramadan it was compulsory for all students to wear traditional Malay costumes. Many students went home to change, and one boy wearing a tracksuit lived too far away from the school and could not go home. He sat on the ground in the corner of the yard humiliated and crying while he was teased by other students for being bodoh (stupid, ignorant) for wearing the wrong uniform” (Mahlangu). Because this happened once, means it could be happening anywhere else where school uniforms are required and it can really make children feel discouraged. Lastly, school uniforms restrict a student’s self-expression along with their personality, and this is the final reason why they should be banned. Kids who must wear these school uniforms have their own opinions as well. One woman spoke to students from a school that requires school uniforms and there was a debate to repeal the policy and this is what was said, “The next meeting of the Good Schools Committee isn't for another month, but some students are already urging a no-uniform decision. “I wouldn't like it because then I can’t be myself, and I'm really weird," said Jade Cressman, 15, a Cameron Heights student. "You express yourself through your clothing and wearing a uniform takes away from that,” Melissa Niemoller, 18, of Cameron
Everyday we see more and more students bullied because of their appearance or what they're wearing. By implementing school uniforms, we can greatly decrease the number of students who are bullied every day. In the article, “Appearances are Destructive,” Mark Mathabane (the author) tells us how his sisters were bullied because what they wore was “unusual.” “They were constantly taunted… they often
In conclusion, students should not be forced to wear uniforms. This is because they take away a student’s right to their natural process of finding their individuality, they do not help to stop bullying even though they might increase student’s safety a little. However, obligatory school uniforms may seem like a beneficial idea at first but it would cause more harm than
In high school and middle school, however, most of the learning comes from inside the classroom. Adolescents often find out a lot about who they are in their school environments. “Ten states currently allow states to mandate school uniforms” (Boutelle, Marsha. "UNIFORMS: Are They a Good Fit?." Education Digest, vol. 73, no. 6, Feb. 2008, pp. 34-37. EBSCOhost). The advocates of school uniforms believe that they will reduce violence in schools and promote a better learning environment for students.
School uniforms do nothing to prevent bullying. Linne Hoofnagle’s article goes on to say that, “If we convince ourselves that placing limits on clothing choices will eliminate school bullying, we are kidding ourselves” (Hoofnagle). The idea that all the harassment that takes place in school is centered around student’s wardrobes is preposterous. If you make students all dress alike the center of the bullying may move to if they have money, the presence or absence of glasses, condition of their skin, height, and weight. School faculty and administration are just looking at the superficial causes of bullying and not looking at the root of the problem. As a result, they are not only punishing the bully by
High school is a vital time in a child’s life to discover who they are as an individual; expressing themselves through clothes is part of this process. If a student is required to wear a uniform everyday, that would create a lack of self expression. The First Amendment states that every human being in the United States is entitled to express themselves (Anderson). When students are forced to wear
The idea of uniforms being required for public school students has been a widely controversial topic in the recent past. In the 2003-2004 school year, only one in eight public schools required students to wear uniforms (ProConorg Headlines). In the 2013-2014 school year, one in five public schools required students to wear uniforms (ProConorg Headlines). This essay will discuss the reasons that uniforms restrict the individuality of students, burdens families that cannot afford two sets of clothes for each of their children (Farrell), and serve little to none purpose in benefitting the education of students. Uniforms are meant for the workforce, not school children.
School uniforms and dress codes are becoming a popular trend among schools. Most Students and some parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms, saying that uniforms are taking away self-expression in schools. But, school uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Yes, uniforms and some very strict dress codes limit what the students have to choose to wear to school every day, but it doesn’t limit them from learning which is the main reason they are in school. Some students treat school as a fashion show, so eliminating the size of wardrobe shifts the attention toward their school work. Although requiring students to wear school uniforms may violate their self-expression in some ways, a uniform is supposed to be looked
etting bullied, losing identities, and getting poor grades, are all the things school uniforms could cause. Some schools demand that students have to wear uniforms. The students don’t like to wear them. That is why we have to make a stand today! If there were school uniforms everywhere students would not be able to express their self, it would not change any academics, and they could attract an unpleasant name to the school.
“I hate my uniform!” is what every child who is required to wear a uniform would say. What students don’t realize is that there are more pros than cons when it comes to uniforms. Uniforms discipline students to be more respectful as well as obedient. I believe that uniforms provide students with a sense of pride, security and focus.
It is a belief that school uniforms teach students to respect their learning environment and behave themselves, and, therefore improving discipline. However, that assumption isn’t entirely correct. Researchers have actually found that school uniforms don’t make students better behaved. According to a study of more than 4,500 students, those who wore a school uniform did not have fewer behavior problems or better attendance. Forcing students to wear uniforms lead to more problems and misbehavior instead of encouraging discipline. Students could get into trouble if they did not wear their uniforms correctly. Many kids in today’s society cannot stand the thought of someone telling them what to do, especially what to wear. Instead of encouraging respect, uniforms may cause rebellions. For example, in 2009, a group of students at John A. Ferguson Senior High School rebelled against their school uniforms. Instead of following their school uniform requirements, the students wore what they thought would be a better school uniform to school. Not only uniforms don’t earn schools the respect from its students, but it may also lead to more problems.
Students following a school uniform policy are “less likely to focus on clothing as a means for determining status) and may experience less stress from being judged by the type or cost of clothing they wear (Campbell, n.d.; Cascio, n.d.). All too often society is judged and defined by the clothing of an individual from its style to cost to fit. By removing this outward factor as a labeling status, students are placed on a more even playing field leaving competitions for the sports fields rather than the classroom runway. Less classroom completion in fashion allows more time to focus on studies.
Students from schools with a uniform policy say that uniforms have affected the way they feel about themselves in an unsatisfactory way. Uniforms are proven to slow down the transition into becoming an adult because students aren’t used to choosing their own clothing. Wearing a uniform opens an opportunity for students to judge each other’s bodies based on how they look and it creates room for drama and bullying. The uniforms can also obstruct a student from expressing themselves. Schools should not require a school uniform policy because they delay the transition into adulthood, they cause students to compare their bodies and bullying each other, and uniforms restrict a student’s self-expression and personality.
Wearing uniform to school have increased of the years, although some schools have not adopted the school uniform policy. Administrators and staff believe that wearing uniform have made schools safer for students, have improved school attendance and increased student achievement, and have reduced the changes of students being bullied. However, others have argued that wearing uniforms have not improve student behavior and wearing the uniform have infringed on student’s freedom of individuality. This essay will explain the importance of adopting a school uniform policy, why all public schools should have a uniform dress code, and how wearing uniform will provide a unified school environment. Therefore, all public schools should adopt a school uniform policy because, it uses will help to reduce bullying, provide a safer learning environment, and help to recognize gang affiliated members.
Waking up for another dreadful day of school. Quickly get ready in the new trend, without worrying about the Cedarwood uniform. Without the uniform, students would feel freer. Uniforms can also make more problems for students to deal with, they also don’t improve/help students.
School Uniforms are being pushed more and more in schools, but what is commonly thought of when the words “school uniform” is said? For most people the picture of children in the same colored uniforms gathered in front of a Catholic Church or a private school is displayed in their mind. This picture is one of the many problems with school uniforms. Instead of being seen as an individual, students are seen as just another kid in a uniform attending a fancy private school. The students cannot develop the self-expression that is crucial to their development at this age. Uniforms are thought to create a more protected campus and learning environment, however, if someone wants to bully someone else, clothes are not going to stop them. The cost, which is usually seen as a pro, can actually be more than people anticipate. As one can see, in the best interest of any student, school uniforms should not be made part of the dress code.