
The Importance of Speaking English in Today's World

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English is becoming the primary means by which the world communicates. It is referred to as the global language because, it is the common means for communication between different countries. As the world becomes more globalized the need for a common language is essential. With over 400 million native speakers and an estimated 950 million second language speakers English has become the means for international expansion (Saville-Troike, 2006). Therefore, in today's global world the important of English can not be ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. In order to grasp why English has the potential to remain a global language it is necessary to have an understanding of the language and where it came from. Although, there is no particular starting point where researchers can pinpoint where the English language began it is safe to say that English has its roots in other Indo-European languages. Although, English began changing as soon as it arrived on the scene in the fifth century in England it is the one language that has taken over different countries (Crystal, p.31). For example, the majority of call centers around the world are focused on a globalized workplace that is spoken in English. Given the geographic spread of English, and the variety of world Englishes spoken nationally, English not seen as a foreign language making it seem necessary to know nowadays instead of a language that is optional. English has become one of the most widely

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