
The Islamic Golden Age

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The Islamic Golden Age (750-1258) was a stark contrast to the Dark Ages (500-1500) in Europe. While the Islamic Empire thrived with riches and knowledge, Europe shied away from a more prosperous future. Europe was very driven by religion and did not accept the modern scientific innovations of the Islamic Empire. Many churches and mosques from these ancient times still stand today and although they are different in many ways, they have many similar aspects that have been worked into them. Finally, religion plays a major role in both societies but has many discrepancies between both the Islamic Empire and the Medieval Times. There have been many clashes between the Bible and modern works of science in the Dark Ages. During this time, modern science was not accepted in that society because the many beliefs of people were solely based on the Bible. When the plague struck in 1347, many people contracted the disease. They would go see religious doctors who would tell them to pray and based medical assumptions on astrology. The doctor would not look at the symptoms of the patient but by the position of the stars to cure the sick. (Doc 7) The Muslims used modern tools and advancements in healthcare to treat their patients as well as recorded their findings in encyclopedias. (Doc 8) They had special diagrams of the human body (Doc 13) to track a specific spot on the body for treatment. Both Europeans and Muslims had some form of medical science to treat patients. The Europeans used

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