
The Jacket By Gary Soto Essay

Decent Essays

Most of us had an experience where we have felt that some clothes or gifts are cursed and responsible for creating the wrong events. When we are young, our thinking is restricted like we believe that clothes or gifts which we don’t like are unlucky for us. When I was young, I participated in an animal costume play that organized in my school. My dad bought me a bear costume for the play, but I wanted a rabbit costume. Though I did not like the bear costume, I wore it anyway. Suddenly, unpleasant things started happening: my performance was not good, everyone called me “BEAR, BEAR,” and laughed at me. I felt insecure and the costume became a curse for me. Now, when I recall that funny episode and the bear costume, I laugh at myself for being so silly at that time. “The Jacket,” a memoir story written by Gary Soto, is the same story about the feelings the author had when he receives a jacket. He hates the jacket’s “guacamole color [with] mustard color lining” (para.2). Soto’s jacket symbolizes his embarrassment about his childhood poverty even though he uses humor to alleviate the pain of his situation. Although I do not share Soto’s impoverished childhood, I understand the embarrassment, insecurity, ridicule and coincidences my bear costume caused. Firstly, the jacket and …show more content…

“Man, that’s ugly, I heard the buzz-buzz of gossip and even laughter that I knew was meant for me” (para. 7), Soto expresses. When the author wore the jacket, he felt that everyone was making fun of him and his ugly jacket. He also criticizes his teachers’ behavior: “The teachers were no help: they looked my way and talked about how foolish I looked in my new jacket” (para. 6). Something similar happened to me when I wore the bear costume. My classmates teased me by calling me “bear.” Soto, however, suffered for a long time when ridiculous behavior from my friends lasted only a

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