
The Key Concepts Of The Vision Of Ecopolis Ulsan

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I. Background Information
Designated as an Industrial District in 1962, Ulsan has become one of the major drivers of Korea’s economic growth. However, environmental pollution started to cast a dark shadow over the citizens in 1970s. Industrialization and rapid population growth in Ulsan led to a surge in domestic and industrial wastewater. A host of disabled fish began to be caught in 1975. In late 1980s, the stench of the polluted river hung heavily over the surroundings. Accordingly, horrible images of pollution city had developed. In an attempt to refashion the city brand and return the city sustainable and eco-friendly, Ulsan metropolitan city announced ‘Vision of Ecopolis Ulsan’. Taehwa River Restoration is considered one of the best practices of sustainable development under Vision of Ecopolis Ulsan.

II. Project
1. Key concepts
Under ‘Vision of Ecopolis Ulsan’, ‘Taehwa River Master Plan’ was formulated to tackle water pollution with its main focus on Taehwa River and streams. It had four main themes and detailed implementation plans below each theme.
1) Safe and …show more content…

Vision of Ecopolis Ulsan was announced in 2004, Taehwa River Master Plan in 2005. Follow-up measures have been and will continue to be taken in a long term.
2) Public-Private Partnership
As the most industrial city in the country, the city is filled with big and small industrial companies and factories. Ulsan metropolitan government successfully engaged those local businesses and companies into the project. Most remarkably, a campaign ‘One Company, One Kilometer’ allocated every company to 1 km of the river so that each one of the 156 companies in the region takes responsibility of cleaning up the designated part of the river. With growing awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility, local companies contributed to the project in various ways.
3) Civic engagement and

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