
The Legacy Of Pompey The Great

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Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, known as ‘Pompey’ or ‘Pompey the Great’, was a military leader and a politician, who along with Crassus and Caesar formed the first Triumvirate, making him one of the most powerful men in Rome. A man who demanded respect from all, he gained power through his military prowess and influence, and even had the gall to give himself the title Magnus, which was Latin for the word ‘Great’. Pompey obviously was following the steps of the Macedonian General and leader Alexander the Great. Pompey’s life was littered with amazing military feats and achievements, yet despite his connections and military might, Pompey had an army of veterans, and in particular was strong in the naval area, the ever popular and legendary Julius Caesar triumphed between the titans for the right to rule.

Pompey’s motivations

Pompey was an intelligent and ambitious person who from the beginning had aimed for glory. Born into a wealthy and privileged family, Pompey’s father was Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo, a military leader and a consul, the highest office in the Roman Republic. Pompey Magnus, known for his military feats and achievements, would have been motivated by his father to join the army.Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo would have educated his son military strategies and fighting techniques. “...Strabo, the father of Pompey; during whose lifetime, it is true, they stood in awe of his military power, as indeed he was a formidable warrior…” (Plutarch, Life of Pompey the Great,

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