
The Life Of My Life

Decent Essays

People never realize how special things are until they are gone. My grand aunt, Aunt Mim, used to always give us 5 dollar bills with a little red heart in the corner for our birthdays. Of course, us children didn’t think much of it, we would spend it right away for a new toy or a bag of candy. We were all very close to our Aunt Mim when we were kids, we’d spend a week in the summer with her, all of our cousins too. Aunt Mim wasn’t like an ordinary adult, she was fun and loved to break the rules. We would roll down all the hills we saw when we were out, ignoring all the people staring. But as we grew older, Aunt Mim was diagnosed with breast cancer and was soon admitted into the hospital. The last time I visited Aunt Mim was two months after she was admitted into the hospital. Hospitals freaked me out, so I resisted when my mom asked me to come along to visit her. After arguing for at least an hour, my mom finally dragged me along. It was a cool and rainy night. I stared out the car window, watching the two raindrops roll down the window. When my mom and I walked through the door to her room, she looked the same, but something was different. Her cheeks were the rosy pink they always were, her eyes as blue as the sky. She had the same black, short curly hair. But, her smile was missing. “Hi, Aunt Mim,” my mom said to her gently. “How nice to see you guys,” Aunt Mim said in a frail voice, and her smile weakly returned. The three of us talked for a couple of hours, until

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