
The Line Of Duty And Duty Essay

Satisfactory Essays

ThompsonR. Line of Duty Determination. It is critical when a service member is injured or killed while on active duty you thoroughly investigate the action or event causing it to decide if it was within the line of duty. Among the reasons to start a line of duty investigation are injuries that will clearly have a lasting significant effect on the person. (Ref., AR 600-8-4, para 2-3) According to the VA, in line of duty means an injury or disease incurred or aggravated during a period of active military service unless such injury or disease was the result of the veteran 's own willful misconduct. It is inextricably linked to establishing service connection for a veteran 's claim of disability. The decision of line duty solely rest of the military service and its decision is in general binding on the VA. (38 C.F.R. 3.1) We know that ThompsonR entered the service 12/21/1973 enlisted in the U.S. Army a fact supported by 214 and AFEES. We know that ThompsonR met all requirements of AR 40–501 based on his initial medical examination 12/11/1973 AFEES. We have a gap in ThompsonR record from 12/22/1973 to 01/14/1974. This gap covers almost the first two weeks of ThompsonR basic military training. Using 38 C.F.R. § 3.102 we will assume ThompsonR was adjusting appropriately to his new environment and was progressing satisfactorily. With this we are able to satisfy in part AR 600–8–4, para 3-8e (2) b requirement to notate “(a)ll facts leading up to and connected with an injury,

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