
The Little Engine That Could

Decent Essays

It took me sixteen years to realize that I had misinterpreted my favorite childhood story, The Little Engine that Could. In it, the book tells of a little engine that was able to travel a difficult terrain that the bigger engines had been unable to, because he believed in himself. It's a great story, but I failed to grasp that the engine had done more than just thinking he could do it for the book also describes the engine moving efficiently by moving faster and faster then more slowly as it neared the top of the grade. Last year I discovered the importance of not just thinking I could do it, but also the importance of working efficiently. I was about to take my first PSEO online distance learning (ODL), semester through the University of Northwestern, and I was excited. I wasn't nervous or worried that I wouldn't be able to handle it, because I thought I could. In fact, to be honest, I never even considered the idea that I might fail as I was used to being an independent worker. In public school, I always turned in my work, so I never expected ODL to be …show more content…

I hadn't taken my counselor's heed of organizing more in ODL than I had in public school or my parent's hesitation over the fact that I had so many credits (17), without knowing how difficult ODL would be. Instead, I had brushed them off, believing myself to be smarter and more organized, but I was wrong. I thought and thought I could get good grades, but I wasn't actually doing things that would get good grades such as writing in my planner, not procrastinating, and balancing my time better. In short, I was spending more time believing in myself than actually putting in the time and focusing on my school work. It was a disaster and by the time midterms came around, I was completely stressed. My grades were okay, but nothing like I wanted them to be. I was also tired of producing terrible work in a frantic, rushed manner from procrastinating so

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