
The Longbow Played an Important Role in England's Battles Essay

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The longbow did not originate in England. The longbow actually originated in Wales by the Welsh. Even though the longbow did not originate in England, it still played many roles for the English in battle such as the battles of Poitiers, Agincourt, and Crécy.
The longbow was made from a wooden stave (usually made of yew) that was around 6 feet long and approximately 5/8 inches wide. It was made out of yew because the outer white sapling part of the wood could withstand a lot of tension and the inner red hardwood could resist compression. The wooden stave was cured and hardened for 4 years, for the best quality. This process of curing and hardening also helped protect the bow from harsh weather. The draw length for the longbow was around …show more content…

Edward captured Caen then traveled eastward along the Seine River. Edward knew that Philip was gathering an immense army in Paris. So Edward and his army started traveling north along the coast to evade this immense army in Paris. While traveling along the coast the English were stuck between the Seine and Somme River. All the bridges were heavily guarded by the French. Taking advantage of this situation Philip and his army began marching to Edward’s location. While Philip’s massive army was only 6 miles away and with no way for the English to cross. A French captive informed Edward there is a small crossing called Blanchetaque. Edward instantly set off to this crossing. A force of around 3,500 French were guarding this crossing which was more strongly than expected, but with the help of the longbow men the English were able to fend off this French force and make them retreat. Edward’s army already low on supplies because of winning this battle acquired food and supplies. The English also escaped the main French army because of this victory.
Battle of Crécy
Edward’s army exhausted from the events that had happened camped near the forest of Crécy. Philip and his army irritated that their attempt to trap the English between the two rivers did not work and keen to defeat the English, quickly began to march to Crécy with his army of 20,000-25,000 men. Edward was aware of Philip’s

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