
The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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When I first started reading “The Lottery” a short story by Shirley Jackson, I thought it was about when the lottery, as we know it today, first originated. After reading the entire short story I couldn’t have been more wrong. It reminds me of the popular book series and movie franchise called The Hunger Games. Even though, I am taken aback by the ending I am not completely surprised, because of the era this story took place in. Had this lottery taken place in today’s modern society in the United States, it would be completely outrageous and horrifying. As soon as I started reading the short story I knew that it took place over a century ago as Jackson presented the community as being a small farming village of 300 people. Winning the lottery is supposed to be a great, thing met with excitement and celebration, which is why in the beginning of this story I felt like it was about today’s lottery. The writer wrote about the town’s people gathering together with the children laughing and playing, the men telling jokes, and the women gossiping. These are not the actions of people during a somber event. When the young boys of the village were gathering smooth round stones I thought they were going to be used to go skip stones at the local swimming hole when the lottery concluded, again I couldn’t have been more wrong. The people in the story did not seem horrified or scared about what was about to happen, so neither did I. Mrs. Hutchinson laughed with Mrs. Delacroix

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