
The Love Of Art : My Love For Art

Decent Essays

I do not believe I have enough time so let me just tell you about myself now. I am not crazy, I would like to think my mind is abstract just like my artwork. It seems strange to people yet so beautifully magnificent to me. I spend my days in France painting my “illusions” as people like to call them. My love for art all started with my job at an international art dealing firm. I saw all the colors, mixes, blends and fell in a deep sensation of peace. I always needed some peace, my doctors say I’m bipolar, they are lying, I need peace; Art is my peace.

I have many tragedies but I’ll tell you one. Everyone talks about what used to be, my ear. Yes, it is true, but not for the reason everyone thinks. It all started as a I was working on a new masterpiece and a thought floated gently ,like a feather, around the air and placed itself in my mind. I show my feelings through my art so why not show myself through my art, make myself look abstract. It was not a crazy idea, I am my own person who is capable of making my own decisions. I understand what I am doing and I do not care what thoughts other people have about me. Never have, never will. I have always been abstract, the odd one out from the group. Nobody ever actually notice me. People noticed that I was “Crazy” but never cared to talk to me. So the idea of cutting my ear off should not be a surprise to everyone, they already believe I should be in a nut house anyways so just why not.

I had a friend to meet up with so

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