
The Man Who Helped Shape The World

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The father of quality evolution, the man who helped shape the world, William Edwards Deming, was born on the month of October 14, 1900 in the city of Sioux, Iowa. His family raised him in this city until they moved in Polk City, Iowa when he was four years old. After two years of living in Polk City, the family again moved to Cody, Wyoming. Then, There was a homestead program that gave out a free land in 40 and 80 acres plots as part of a major irrigation project in Powell, Wyoming. They had to move again, after two years, for this reason. At that time, the first four years living at a tarpaper shack was a struggle for them to live life and move on with their daily tasks because of the tough situation that they are facing. Deming started working odd jobs as young boy in order for him to save up money for the everyday expenses of the family.
In 1917, W. Deming was a student who attended the University of Wyoming (UW), finishing engineering major. Few years after, he finally earned his Bachelor’s degree in 1921 by supporting himself and doing all kinds of work, such as janitorial work, working in a dry cleaner, a soda jerk at a local drug store, and several other jobs. After graduation, Deming stayed in UW to teach engineering while studying mathematics at the same time. In 1922, he became an assistant professor in Physics at the Colorado School of Mines. During summertime, he took classes at the University of Colorado for his Master’s degree in Mathematics and Physics that he

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