
William Edwards Deming 's Success For Innovative High Quality Products And Its Economic Power

Decent Essays

William Edwards Deming was born October 14, 1900 and he parish in December 20, 1993. He was well known for being an American statistician, professor, author, lecturer, consultant and prodigious work in Japan, and in 1950 onward, he taught top management how to improve their design, service, product quality, testing and sales for low cost through the global markets. Some of his various methods, including the application of statistical. According to Holusha (1991) “he made a significant contribution to Japan 's later reputation for innovative high-quality products and its economic power. He is regarded as having had more impact upon Japanese manufacturing and business than any other individual not of Japanese heritage. Despite being …show more content…

After that, he earned his doctorate in mathematics and mathematical physics from Yale University in 1928” (The Deming Institute, ibid). He had a series of government and private jobs. In actual fact, his first job in the United State was in the Department of Agriculture. The Deming Institute stated, “It was there that Deming encountered statistics and also met Walter Shewhart. Shewhart’s ideas inspired Deming to apply his knowledge of statistics to management and Deming’s theory of management was born” (The Deming Institute, ibid). Deming led the foundation of the American Society for quality Control, and he a Professor of Statistics at a well-known college, the New York University, and which he attend there in 1939. He was recruited to work at the Bureau of the Census, while at the same time, teaching statistics courses at the USDA Graduate School in Stanford. Throughout his teaching, Deming revealed that “quality can be improved only if top management is part of the solution (The Deming Institute, ibid).” Yet the fall of 1950, Deming took his ideas for management role in to Japan where his vision was well received. Japan had a worldwide reputation for being “low-down and cut-price.” But when Deming lecture about how to follow the TQM method, just about every company in Japan shadow his plan and were able to produce better quality products at lower

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