
The Meaning Of Life

Decent Essays

The universal question since the onset of civilization has always been what the meaning of life is. The answers put forward by people in today's society greatly differ from the answers of the Roman and Greek civilizations of the past. As much as everyone will always question themselves at one point in life about life’s purpose, the contributions of great philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and the Roman Stoics cannot be left out in the beliefs and theories that give life value. Each of the theories gives a different perspective on the meaning of life. Life without meaning is arguably equivalent to death; in other words, if life has no meaning why live when you will eventually die and just vanish. Over the years philosophers have been occupied in finding the ultimate meaning of life. This paper analyses three major philosophical views; Theism Nihilism and Subjectivism, and personal opinions on the meaning of life. Life without meaning is arguably equivalent to death; in other words, if life has no meaning why live when you will eventually die and just vanish.
Theism is the belief in one or more gods as the creators or rulers of the entire universe. This is without the rejection of revelations. Some of the prominent examples of theism include religions such as Christianity, Judaism Hinduism, and Islam. Theism argues that God is an omnipotent and omniscient entity who gives meaning to man and the rest of creation. Theism provides that God the creator has control

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