
The Miscegenation Of Individualism In Hawkeye

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Hawkeye His real name is Natty Bumppo and his wide reputation as an rifleman has given him the additional moniker of La Longue Carabine.He is technically the protagonist because of his abiding position in the total plot and because of his prevadiding image as the upright, ideal individualist who has taken unto himself the best of both civilization and so called savagery.
Cora Munro The darker and older sister,involved in the tragedy of miscegenation.A far more convincing characterization than Alice,she is beloved of the admiral Indian Uncas. Uncas The son of of Chingachgook,he is the last of the Mohicans.Popularly called Le Cerf Agile,he is a significant participant in one of the two love stories in the novel,and his tragic

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