
The Model Of Brand Identity Prism, By Kapferer

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Brand Identity Prism by Kapferer

The brand identity can be explained by using this model created by Kapferer 1986
This model demonstrates the components of a brand identity. In this paper we will take each component and connect it to the luxury industry.

1.The physique is the physical features easily connected to the brand such as logotype, packaging etc. This is one of the basis of the brand according to Kapferer.
In the luxury industry this The book “sustainable luxury brand” mention the importance of logos, packaging, symbols to succeed with your brand. (the physique) These parts of the brand can help increase the brand awareness and to build the premium image. To mention the green Tiffany bag that stands for elegance and luxury. The …show more content…

In order to grow the brand stronger the manager can use associations such as personalities and events. To example use celebrity endorsement the brand can strength the luxury image. Though the selected celebrity needs to carefully selected to fit well with the brand.
Brands within the luxury sector usually perceive their personality as elegant, sophisticated and exclusive. While brands like Nespresso hit the jackpot with celebrity endorser George Clooney, some others were less lucky in the past. When pictures of Kate Moss consuming Cocaine in 2005 emerged, brands like H&M, Chanel and Burberry dropped the supermodel and celebrity. None of these brands wanted to be associated with such a scandal.
Most recently, Coach signed Selena Gomez as a brand ambassador and even Co-Designer on a collection. This is a successful example of celebrity endorsement and well represented brand …show more content…

In the book Real Luxury - How luxury brands can create value for the long term by Pinkhasov and Joshi Nair they touch upon some potential challenges for luxury brands. Currently luxury is under a threat because of the industrialization of luxury brands. This makes the brands act more as high-priced commodities.
Luxury brands can no longer rely on traditional markets in order to grow. European brands have expanded to Asia and have relayed on their heritage. But the luxury brand should not only rely on its history and age to be sure to succeed. This certainly provides a brand with more stories to tell but it should be clear that this is only one of the resources of a brand. A brand needs to really consider the environment and time they operate in and adapt the brand. This is definitely not easy because if the retell stories about the past they might show more nostalgia than relevance. On the other hand if they try to adapt to trends in the society too much they might lose their authenticity in the long run (page 200-201) The key to success for a brand is demonstrated by this sentence ”It is the brand’s ability to understand and respond to the deeper currents rather than stylistic ploys

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