
The Moral Code Of Social And Individual Rights And Universal Principles

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Post-conventional morality is consisting of social and individual rights and universal principles. This stage of morality brings a hedonistic view of self and other as well as pure-justice. Where am I truly standing on? Utilitarian? Kantian? Or in between of both? Previous ethics papers have put me into thinking who I really am and where I truly stand in moral code. I have dug my deepest self and explored types of ideas and beliefs that I embraced. Thus, before I had actually thought about what I truly care and role I want to play in this society, I believed that I was utilitarian. Although, being utilitarian and my decisions did not exactly matched. The nurture part of the life have shaped my moral code in more complicated form. Therefore, the conclusion that I have come up with my moral code is heavily influenced by Immanuel Kant, Buddhism, and my personal religion: Spiritualistic Agnostic. First, as growing up I was told to not to harm others physical and psychological states. Kant also believes in the idea that not to use anyone for a means to an end. As I make post-conventional moral decision, I found myself leaning more onto Kantian ethics of not to use someone for a means to an end and the golden mean. Basically, decisions I make in society reduce and/or no harm applied onto others while doing things in moderate pace or amount. Kant believed that by having “moral personality” we are superior among other species. Psychologically speaking, intelligence can be enhanced

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