
The Most Important Causes Of Liberian Education In Liberia

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There are certain degrees of stereotyping on African education as a whole. Even in China, a country still in trouble with its educational system, people tend to make bad judgments on education situation in Africa. But the situation is actually better than what we think. After years of civil war, Liberia’s education is rebuilding from debris caused by tumult.
Why people have misconception of the education in Liberia. There are several reasons that caused people think that education in Liberia is still a mess. Everlasting civil war is one of the most important reasons that caused the bad situation in which Liberian education used to be. While giving all attention on surviving during War Time, neither did Liberian citizens consider education in priority, nor did potential donors fill money in the big hole of education. The majority of Liberians were trying to deal with food, places to live, drinking water, medicine, etc. Education, to them, was a luxury that one may never be able to reach. And statistically, according to the Ministry of Education, “2400 schools had been established in Liberia before fighting in the West African country broke out. However, 80 percent of these were put out of operation by the conflict” (1, Inter Press Service, “EDUCATION-LIBERIA: Civil War Leaves School System in Tatters”). In another aspect, after the civil war went off, many worldwide organizations were being skeptical to the regime that was in charge of Liberia’s domestic politics. Because

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