
The Movie Crash

Good Essays

Racism, stereotypes, diversity, legislation, harassments, prejudice, discriminations are all the aspects, which may occur at workplace. These concepts are often seen in different situations in an organization or situations, which are relative to humans. These aspects have direct effect on humans by which some take advantages and some may suffer. Relative to the topic movie Crash was good to see us to analyze these themes and their impacts on humans. As a person who grew up in Saudi Arabia, I find it very hard to understand these concepts in the work place in the United States. There are many things and rolls that people should understand in order to not fall in one of them. It took me years and years to understand and learn these concepts. …show more content…

The movie shows examples of how some black people think of what white people think of them. Also, how people who are emigrant in the United States think of what Americans think of them. This movie explains stories of blacks, whites, Asians, Iranians, and Latinos and how they experience some of these concepts. It also shows how people in general would think of a person by their assumptions without even having a chance to get to know them. They just go with what stereotypes that have been said to a particular group. In this essay, I will be discussing what I feel after watching this movie and how it relates to our book and the topics that we have covered.
Early in the semester, we have discussed diversity, racism, discrimination, and stereotypes. The movie Crash starts with a scene where the discrimination and racism take place. In this scene, Ria the detective argued with the Asian woman who was saying to her that Mexicans don’t know how to drive. In this scene, we see how the Asian woman assumes just from the way Ria looks that she is Mexican …show more content…

As what we have seen in the movie, the white cop (John Ryan) makes unnecessary traffic stop when he sees black man (Cameron) with his light skinned wife (Christine) doing something that they shouldn’t be doing in the same time they are driving. He also did unnecessary search of their body and he sexually harassed and humiliated Christine with an invasive body search, while her husband is hopeless and powerless, because the cops have the guns and the power. This specific scene of the movie really made me to get angry and have hate for a second for all cops. I felt that cops would do anything when they are angry to innocent people to make themselves better. Like this example, if the white cop did not have problem and trouble in helping his dad with his illness, he would not do this unnecessary search. He just felt hopeless and have no power in helping. This was the cause of his action to make himself feel better. In the other hand, this couple, Christine and Cameron did not spend the night together and fought because of that traffic stop. The wife was so mad that her husband who stood there and did nothing when the white cop was humiliating her. Actually her husband did the right thing by trying to listen and follow what the cops have said to him. He did not do anything wrong, but his wife was so angry that she really thinks her husband had to do something at

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