
The National Association For The Education Of Young Children Essay

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Preschools offer a variety of services including social skills, health, nutrition, and aids in developing basic cognitive skills for toddlers up to the age of four years. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), advocates excellence in early childhood education. According to the NAEYC, extensive research has proven that “a high quality developmentally appropriate early childhood programs produce short-and-long term positive effects on children’s cognitive and social development.”
Preschool education began to become a concern in the early 1800s. In1805, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, implemented the ‘Pestalozzi Method’ of teaching. He believed that children learn better through activity. His hands-on concept of learning at young ages has continued to be used in modern day preschools (Silber, n.d.). Preschool establishments in America were created to provide care for toddlers of working parents during the Industrial Revolution (Lipoff, 2011). In 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson worked with a veteran politician, Sargent Shriver, to develop the Head Start program (Biography, 2014). This program was designed to provide a government funded organization which would provide education for tots of low income families. (History, 2015). Public and private preschools continue to thrive in schools all over the world today. Preschool teachers lay the educational foundation which prepares children to advance successfully in higher grade levels. The article

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