What a beautiful dream, thank you so much for sharing it with me! I could feel your serenity and wonder while reading your dream. Perhaps, you were visiting a past life. My gut is saying that it is more of a present spiritual dream regarding where you are today and where you are headed. The Native American man and woman could also be your guides. Let’s begin with the interpretation.
The Native Americans represent spirituality that is more Earth based and your inner free, natural self. Your contentment throughout the dream shows that you are more comfortable with this type of spirituality than mainstream religion.
I wasn’t sure who Gregory Cruz is, so I Googled him to see what he looked like, and it would seem your subconscious mind associates him with Native Americans. He is also represented your inner male side. What I find interesting is both the belt/necklace and cloak went shoulders, which means two things to
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Who really wants that? Most people would rather stay with people that they connect with and that was shown by you wanting to stay in the happiness of the tribe. Alas, that is not reality in the physical plane. The sun blinding you could be showing you it was time to move on. Or it was spiritual energy coming to you. “They are both and remember that you can reach this state anytime you want. Just close your eyes and meditate,” my guides added. I hope this interpretation helps to keep you motivated on your path.
Some of you may think that everything occurs in our waking and dream life is spiritual and I cannot argue with you because in a sense it is. What makes spiritual dreams stand out is there could be a spiritual characters, like the Native Americans and Goddesses dream examples. In spiritual dreams you will be afraid to do something, yet will go through the experience. The last element of these dreams are that you will be leaving one chapter to advance to the next level in your
As a unit in social studies I would investigate the culture of the Native Americans. Native Americans have a wide range of art because of the many tribes that make up the Native American culture. Their art ranges from paintings, jewelry making, sculptures, pottery, masks, drums, totem poles, beadwork etc. I find Native American culture interesting. I am Native American myself and I enjoy learning and finding new things about my culture. The history of the Native Americans is expressed most times through their art. Their culture is tied with nature and spirits. They believed in respecting the land and the abundance of gifts it offered (Native American
When the ancestral spirits had created life, law and food it believed that they will returned to the land. And people say that they made themselves into creeks, water, mud and pools which it remain today. And all the traditional indigenous people believed that are being formed during the dreamtime, and the way that they hunt food, and they this is how dreamtime helped
Every country and nation has they own special festivals and music, and Native American is no exception. First, the native music related many aspects such as ritual, life and work. They like to combine music with dance, and the Native American music always created rich percussion instruments. For example, the hand drum, log drum, water drum and rattle, etc. Powwow is an important festival and ritual for the Native American, and it is a symbol for the tradition culture of Native Indians. Powwow, is a social gathering by the Native American tribes, and they singing and dancing. Powwow is not only a method that the Native American expresses the enthusiasm of the life and peace, but also enhances the sense of identity and cohesion. Hence,
It was very windy and I was tree to touch it as I was being instructed to. As I approached the enormous oak tree, I started to notice that the tree trunk was smooth and had the feel and look of a mushroom, and on the other side of the tree trunk was burnt, black, and charred. All of a sudden, an arrow-like image flew in front of me, and all I could hear in my mind was what I understood to be the name or word “Asa”, then the words that kept repeating themselves repeatedly were “lake” and “water”. At first, I ignored it, but then I realized it wanted me to remember what it was saying as long as my mind was using this active state of imagery. When I researched the details about the tree and its cultural significance, I came across an interpretation by a dream analyst (Crisp), which says that among other significant symbols, the great tree is one of the symbols of the Self. Since the Self represents the wholeness of our being, what I have come to understand that the side of the tree trunk, which was smooth, like the texture of a mushroom, it is a symbol, which indicates more knowledge or information. The mushroom can also symbolize the human soul. Before I began this research, one of the students taking the class stopped me and he felt he needed to tell me his name was “Asa”. He called it synchronicity. I also researched the name “Asa” and in the Bible, and he is
Our history is written by the winners of the bloody, and merciless battles that shaped our country. The hate that has slaughtered thousands of people, is also the hate that has made our country the beautiful tragedy it is today. We all know the history of how Christopher Columbus came to the native land, named the people here indians because he thought he was in the Indi mountains and brought disease and colonists to the land to make it part of spain.
My experience is a bit different compared to other minority group experiences because I am a Caucasian American with Hispanic from Central America. People from a minority of Native American, African American, Muslim American, Chinese/Japanese American, and Jewish American would all have a complete unalike experience compared to me. Central Americans and Vietnamese Americans I feel it is rare for these two cultures to come together and that is what makes my experience so unique to the situation. A similarity and the only similarity I could find between Central Americans and Vietnamese Americans is they both immigrated to the United States. Central America immigration has increased significantly and added to the diversity in the United States.
The "American Dream" is marked as unattainable in John Steinbeck's novella Of Mice and Men. This is mostly shown in the case of George, Lennie, Candy, Crooks, and Curley's wife. These characters all have admitted to thinking about the "American dream" concept, and the freedom to pursue happiness and their dreams.
How does the history of the Native American in the U.S. compare with the values that stand at the foundation of the U.S. (freedom, liberty, equality)?
Does being American mean that you’re an American citizen, or does it mean that you have the same rights and decisions as someone who is a successful American citizen? These decisions include choices you make in order to better yourself in life, whether it has to do with your choice in career, or what you want to do in life. Making decisions, and having choices comes with freedom, as a person, and that reflects on being an American everywhere in the world, even though you’ve never been in America. To be an American means that you have the freedom, and rights to do what you want, be who you are, and be/ become who you want. This right of having the freedom to do what you want, can be elaborated by someone’s life chances.
Dreams have long fascinated the human race. This alternate reality, separate from the conscious world we see around us, has captured the interest of many people throughout history. In fact, mankind has been studying dreams since the invention of the written word. Perhaps the lure of dreams is that there seems to be some significance behind them. Most reject the idea that dreams are just random meaningless fragments of data. The vivid sensations that dreams create are just too powerful to ignore. The world of dreams is filled with peculiar phenomenon and unexpected events that beg our attention. Consider the following example of a dream:
Into the Wild directly illustrates many ideas related to overall frontier theme, but the undertone of the entire story was finding the American Dream. The American Dream is the ability to find success in totally different paths. In Chris’ sake, success was not a measure of wealth, but happiness and understanding of himself, which is the real definition of being successful. Into the Wild, by John Krakauer, illustrates the American Dream through Chris McCandless’ journey by showing that you can use unconventional ways to seek success, providing Chris’ definition of success, and that everyone has the equal opportunity to be successful in their own way.
The American Dream is a concept that has been wielded in American Literature since its beginnings. The ‘American Dream’ ideal follows the life of an ordinary man wanting to achieve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The original goal of the American dream was to pursue freedom and a greater good, but throughout time the goals have shifted to accumulating wealth and high social status. Deplorable moral and social values have evolved from a materialistic pursuit of happiness. In “Advertising the American Dream: Making Way for Modernity”, Roland Marchand describes a man that he believed to be the prime example of a 1920’s man. Marchand writes, “Not only did he flourish in the fast-paced, modern urban milieu of skyscrapers, taxi
The "American Dream" is an idea that has always been different throughouttime. It changes in diverse forms and in the end involves success. The "American Dream" was a phrase used by the American people and peoplewanting to become American. It was always the idea that you can become a success. This is true in a partial way, but the true "American Dream" is that with somework and determination anyone can build themselves up in the economic classsystem.
The Native American people were a humble and self-sustaining race that was taken advantage of and exploited for their generosities. You will see that the Europeans will maneuver and essentially take a land inhabited by Native Americans by a series of actions that took place in the late 1400s to the late 1770s. Europeans will display acts of what seem to be kindness but is just a an act that in turn will weaken the Native American people.
The United States of America is a country founded on the dreams of foreigners (pilgrims) and a symbol of freedom and a new life. According to the Department of Homeland Security, in 2012, there were 484,072 new, legal entries into the United States… (Batalova, Terrazas). The Times Tribune states, “There perhaps are no greater dreamers than immigrants, who often leave behind everything to build new lives in the United States” (Lockwood).