
The Need for an Embedded Processor

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In current scenario, various sensors of plant is connected to the PLC for the data communication and PLC is program such that it give controlling output according to the threshold value of sensors. In this if the value of sensor is below or above the sensor value then it gives the respective output. This output is nothing but the controlling output from the PLC which gives signal to controlling device like value or alarm etc. Also SCADA provide the Graphical user interface to the PLC unit so that any programmer can see the process graphically with the help of SCADA. In Plant SCADA and PLC are connected to each other which make a whole system for Data communication and its controlling. There are various types of PLC are available in the market. The selection of the PLC can be done as per the requirement of number of input and output associated with the plant.

Figure 1.1 Present Scenario of industries


The industrial plant have many type of analog data like temperature sensor, level sensor, flow meter, pressure sensors etc. So in plant this type of data should be analysed and then processed to achieve some specific action regarding it. The data can be processed with the embedded processor. The embedded processor must be programmed such that the data can process and give the require output. This system is a data logger for the plant

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