
The New Laws Protecting Lgbt Community

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“If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.”- Harvey Milk. Through time the LGBT community has not been treated with the rights that they deserve. They have not been able to express themselves the way most people are able too. Society has started to accept the LGBT community and give them rights. The new laws protecting LGBT community are affecting society by giving the LGBT community acceptance, preventing violence, and reducing the amount of discrimination.

In the 1900’s gay people were not recognized (Watson). Around the 1950’s is when it became more noticed but, the LGBT community had no rights (Watson). LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transexual. In the 1950’s traditional values were more popular. Not many openly gay people worked in the government. There were gay people working in the government ,but they were what is know as “in the closet” or not openly gay. During this time organizations started to form. One of the first organizations was in Los Angeles by Harry Hay called the Mattachine Society (‘Gay”). It was the first big groups in United States. The big movement that started the protesting was the stonewall riot. In the 1970’s gay organizations grew in size, strength, and success because of the growing acceptance in society. The democratic party became to take part with the gay activists in 1980 (“Gay”). They encouraged people to come out and run for political elections. Over time the society started to

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