
The Notebook Comparison

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Why I Think the Notebook is Worth Seeing

Never has a film swept me away into a story like The Notebook, and never have I found a truer romance. Author Nicholas Sparks based this movie on the relationship of his wife’s grandparent’s Noah and Allie. This film captures the true love on screen as both Noah and Allie go through many trials. With only their commitment, devotion and unwavering love for each other binding them together. The unconditional love that the actors are able to portray is simply remarkable. One the unique ways Noah chose to ask Allie out was that he willingly jumped onto a ferris wheel while it was in motion; just for the sole purpose of asking her out. It is an unexpected move that reels the audience deeper into the …show more content…

Initially Noah couldn’t stop thinking about Allie, and decided he would write her every day for one year. However, Allie never received them because her mother intercepted and hid the letters. The mother is now portrayed by the audience as somewhat of a villain persuading them to dislike her, but all the while, the director is engaging the audience and their interest. Almost a decade has passed by and during the separation Noah devoted his time to fix up the home they had both dreamed of living in. He had made it exactly the way Allie had envisioned; hoping that one day she would come back to him. Unfortunately, during her time as a nurse Allie met someone else. He met all of the expectations and seemed to be the perfect match just as her parents had imagined. While Lon the young man she had met and fallen in love with were out on a double date with her parents; he got down on one knee and proposed. This, however, was not a surprise to Allie’s parents as he had already asked for their permission and received their blessing. For a moment she had thought of her true love Noah, and then said yes. She never stopped loving Noah she didn’t know anything about him. All she knew was that he never tried to contact her. And Noah didn’t stop working on the house until he was finished. His love, commitment and devotion to Allie is what kept him alive. As they were planning the wedding the event was going to be held

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