
The On Neural Tube Deficiency

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Neural tube deficiency happens in about 80,000 and 100,000 pregnancies in China. It causes the offspring to be born with defects of the brain, spine, or spinal cord. They happen in the first month of pregnancy and both genetic and environments contribute to the cause. Numerous prospective, retrospective and controlled trial studies have suggested proper folic acid supplementation for pregnant women can reduce the incidence of NTDs in their offspring. Association between folic acid supplementation or dietary folate intake and NTDs risk may be affected by maternal body mass index. Studies have suggested the risk of NTDs in offspring among obese mothers have not decreased. Body mass index greater than 31kg is at risk of delivering an offspring with NTDs. Other studies find more than 400mg of folate intake from diet per day is only protective against NTDs in women who weigh less than 154.3Ibs. A total of 459 pairs of participants took part in the study: 259 pairs were from Shandong Province and 200 pairs were from Shanxi Province. Mothers who gave birth to healthy infants in the same area, same hospital and within the same time as the another group was the controlled groups. The mothers were separated by Underweight/normal weight BMI less than 24.0 and overweight/obese mothers BMI greater than 24.0. Given folic acid was defined as taking 0.4mg of a folic acid tablet and categorized folic acid supplementation into four groups: never used, preconception use, use within 3 months

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