|Introduction to the aim of the report
The Killer Robot scenario is a rather interesting case to study, as it shows the adverse effects of small negative decisions ( or neutrality ) focused into a large undesired, negative outcome: the death of a person. The case study introduced us to a number of persons who had a saying in the evolution of the events, who, if had abode by a code of ethical conduct, could have avoided the harsh consequences.
The following report means to present the reader the proof that the use of a particular code of ethics can make the difference between a successful result and a disastrous one. An ethical framework is a set of principles, a code of conduct that every member should follow. It is meant to assure the high quality of work, in the safest conditions while maintaining a good behaviour. Informally, we can say that it is there to make sure that everything works according to plan and prevents activities from taking a negative turn. The example ethical framework chosen by me is the one used by a company named ByteSolutions. While it is relatively shorter than others, I find it more concise and complete. I have decided to take each chapter of the code, explain it and then apply it to the case we have studied in order to see the changes it would make.
This implies maintaining a professional conduct in the working environment. It would not allow one 's beliefs and feelings to generate the treating of people unfairly or
Widget Tech Inc. is in need of update the company’s current code of ethics due to growth of the company and the changing workforce. Research has been conducted to revise the current policy and address topics that were previously
The author's purpose of this essay is contemplating whether or not laws should be made protecting robots. Throughout the essay he uses evidence from scientists who have dones tests, and it shows how people act.
We as business owners, management and or in a role of authority must set, address and comply with a solid foundation of ethics. “A code of conduct is the single most important element of your ethics and compliance program. It sets the tone and direction for the entire function. Often, the code is a standalone document, ideally only a few pages in length. It introduces the concept of ethics and compliance and provides an overview of what you mean when you talk about ethical business conduct.”
• Behave professionally at all times - avoiding indiscreet behavior while at the workplace or while on Company time or business including refraining from public displays of sexual affection, sexual innuendo, suggestive comments and sexually oriented joking;
A code of ethics highlights the responsibility and accountability standards of each and every employee within the organization. These codes are also motivating factors that guide the employees’ behavior, set the standard regarding ethical conduct, and build an organizations trustworthiness within
A code of ethics stands for a set of principles of conduct set within an organization to assist or guide employees to making decisions and adhering to ethical behavior. It’s a set of guidelines that must be followed to make ethical choices when conducting work related matters. Code of ethics is an organizations form integrity. This paper will discuss what an appropriate code of ethics is, and summarize the features of deontological, consequentialist, and virtue of ethics in a professional code of ethics. It will also analyze both the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to ethical theory in the context of the workplace.
What image comes to mind when one hears the words “Killer Robot”? If one visualises the laser-wielding android in Terminator 2 which threatens to overpower its defenceless human adversaries, one would not be too far from the truth[1]. Today, advanced robots capable of engaging a human target autonomously are no longer confined to fiction but are instead rapidly becoming a reality.
Creating and defining my own ethical framework is essential in future success as a businessman, a leader, and a team player. As a business student, I have learned that it can be a very cut throat industry and in order to get ahead, at some point and ethical dilemma will undoubtedly be an obstacle I have to overcome. The way I handle these dilemmas can make or break my career; business ethics are a key part of earning and sustaining respect, trust, and a good rapport with both clients and competitors in your industry. Therefore a solid ethical framework is an important tool for me to have as a standard for handling these types of dilemmas so that I can grow successfully while staying true to myself and to
◆ Ethical policies and codes can enhance the business’ identity and reputation in the community (Argenti, 2009).
“Rely upon the golden rule.How we consider others reflects upon each of us, both personally and as a professional organization. Treat people as they should be treated.”
In the workplace as well as one’s personal life is essential for ethics to be maintained; often taking the right action is not always the most popular choice. It is important for maintaining an upstanding ethical code of conduct to be a productive individual as well as function as an employee in the workplace.
After watching the movie I, Robot, I find that many ethical issues come about from the technology shown in the movie. The movie takes place in 2035 and is about robots that are programmed with Three Laws: First Law-A robot must never harm a human being or, through inaction, allow any harm to come to a human; Second Law-A robot must obey the orders given to them by human beings, except where such orders violate the First Law; Third Law- A robot must protect its own existence unless this violates the First or Second Laws. Humans use these robots to do common tasks for them. Some of the ethical questions arisen from this movie include do robots have the ability to make emotional or ethical decision, are they entitled to the same rights as
In the paragraphs that follow you will be introduced to the Code of Ethics as outlined by IEEE, and what it means to its members. A comprehensive summarization will be provided for each guideline along with examples of how
The training, for this ethical program, will include but not limited to electronic leaning courses, workshops and seminars, and online resource contents. The Company will organize workshops and seminars to educate all its employees on the set procedure and standards while focusing on the code of ethics and maximizing for outcome. The code of conduct will also be posted on the company’s website and then employees will be encouraged to access it for private reading and mastery plans. Current technologies like webinars will also be used to teach the code of conduct as a module in online course presentation. To ensure complete effectiveness of the program, more proactive and state of the art training methods like mentorship and implementation of ethical impasse case studies will be employed. To strengthen the Company further, awareness programs that assert training of specific section of the code will be used to help the workers identify and disentangle puzzling ethical predicaments that they would mostly likely encounter in the work place. Hence the training, in particular, will educate the workers identify the process of development of ethical problems and the best course of action to take including both worst and best case
Ethics are an important part of any profession and in order to be a morally upstanding professional one must follow a code of ethics. This is especially true in the field of software engineering, where the ability to create software that is malicious is easy and can be hard to detect. The ethical dilemmas faced by professionals aren’t always as so simple as whether or not to create a virus to infect someone’s computer and steal their private information, as this is clearly unethical. The decisions that are faced in industry are often more complicated such as choosing between benefiting your corporation greatly at the cost of introducing new risks for the consumers. Situations like these are why it is important to determine why a code of