
The Parents' Role in School Shootings Essay

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When children commit a horrible act such as a school shooting their parents often look for someone or something to blame rather than looking at what role they, as parents, may have had in the tragedy. The often targeted entertainers, video game developers, teachers, drug companies, and writers are rarely, if ever, responsible for such tragic outcomes and, unfortunately, often become victims as a result of lawsuits filed in an attempt to place blame on them. The parents of dangerous children must be scrutinized and sued alongside every other entity being blamed for the heinous crimes that children commit.
When 2 young men, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, went on a shooting spree in Littleton, Colorado, killing 15 people, including …show more content…

Before the 1999 Columbine tragedy, there was the 14-year-old boy in Paducah, Kentucky who, in 1997, went on a shooting spree at his local school. Parents of 3 of the shooting victims filed lawsuits against 25 media companies seeking $130 million in damages, citing that the shooter, Michael Carneal, learned how to shoot a gun by playing video and computer games. The lawsuits further implied that violent movies and internet pornography were to blame for the boy’s behavior (Holmstrom, par. 6).
In both the Columbine and the Paducah, Kentucky cases the parents of the shooters were sued on the grounds that they should have known, and prevented, the tragedies from occurring. According to an article written by Mark Walsh regarding the Paducah shooting, a state-law negligence suit “named 45 defendants, including McCracken County…teachers…who allegedly failed to interpret “warning signals” [referring to a paper that Carneal had written depicting a fictitious school shooting] that 14-year-old Michael Carneal would go on a murderous rampage” (Walsh, par. 4). The case against the employees of the McCracken County School District was dismissed by Judge William Shadoan, citing, “We cannot expect those teachers and administrators to be psychiatrists, lawyers, psychologists, or physicians” (Walsh, par. 15). These school employees should have never been put in the position to have to defend themselves against such

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