There are several ways to interpret for the variability in archaeological data in the Pitts River Basin of northwestern Australia, but first, the history and the archaeology must be exhibited. The entire site used to be underwater because the ocean levels had not stabilized 5000 years ago, so a lot of artifacts surfaced once the levels stabilized and the land dried up. In the basin, there were two types of people who were very contemporary. This is suggested by knowing that hunters and gatherers were marrying outside their group and that the women were the ones who hunted and built this kind of economy. The Pitts River Basin workbook problem shows three major differences in the archaeological record of the main sites of Disaster Beach, Bonzakilla “B”, and Gray’s Creek. At Disaster Beach, a refuse pile was discovered containing shellfish remains. The pile most likely came to be because of Cardium Sp., which was located two-hundred yards inland from the high tide line. The inland did not have a complete rainforest to support the semi-sedentary system, but there were eucalyptus plants that helped. The high points were the only logical place with grain processing and potential religious activity like having a Shaman look over the sites. However, the high points did not have any detectable stratigraphy when they were studied. Carbon dating of three shell samples, in three separate units was taken, and then returned. The shell fragments found on Disaster Beach were dated at the
The mill creek watershed is 166 square miles with 450,000 people. The main sources of water are rivers, aquifers, and rainwater. The major body of water is the Ohio River. The land around it is hilly.The Mill Creek lies at the heart, soul, and industrial center of Greater Cincinnati. This 28-mile stream begins in Liberty Township, travels through 34 communities, and flows into the Ohio River just west of downtown Cincinnati. The Mill Creek Watershed has withstood two centuries of urbanization and is poised for a comeback. The Mill Creek drew settlers over 200 years ago looking for rich, fertile farmland and water power to support industry, ultimately building Cincinnati into a prosperous industrial powerhouse.
Kangaroo Point Cliffs are one of the most iconic places that highlight Brisbane city’s history along with the Brisbane City Hall and Story Bridge. These cliffs were known by Aborigines even before European settlers arrived in Brisbane. The development around the Kangaroo Point Cliff was started in the 1900s when roads were developed around the cliff. Today, the Kangaroo Point Cliff offers many adventurous activities such as rock climbing, kayaking on the Brisbane River, Segway tours, bike riding around the garden etc. The rocks found on these steep cliffs are known as the ‘Brisbane Tuff’. These unique pink and green stones were also used in building public buildings during the 1820s and 1830s. The very steep feature and gas holes on the cliff plays a significant role in identifying these cliffs a result of a volcanic eruption (Visit Brisbane, 2018). This essay analyses geological formation of Kangaroo Point cliff and the Brisbane tuff which the
New South Wales West locates one of the greatest archaeological sites in Australia’s history, that is, Lake Mungo.
Why is the Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin so important? Might it be because of the history it has with helping pilgrims settle in North Carolina? Or might it be because it drains not only parts of North Carolina, but also parts of South Carolinas. Some interesting information of the Yadkin River would be that there are a total number of 22 counties in the basin and, another fact would be that there is a total of 22988 acres of lakes in the basin. Another interesting fact would be that the population of the basin is about 1,463,535 people
Our sites (Figure 1.) were spread along the lowest reach of Merri Creek before it runs into the Yarra River. As a direct result of this there is an extensive valley from the constant presence of fluvial processes over geological time. The landform patterns at our sites were extensively governed by the movement and availability of water, with escarpments, gullies, cliffs and spurs of varying steepness all observed.
Recently, along the Nebulosas Chain, a string of islands which boasts a dense fog and extraordinary marine life and dots across the the Oceanus Tempestatus from the Digitus Peninsula of Illysium to the shores of Obscurata, four excavations have been undertaken in a bid by Illysium to claim ownership over the isles. While ownership may be impossible for archaeologists to prove, the recovered artifacts and faunal assemblage suggest a strong relationship between subsistence practices and changes in tool technology. Based upon the radiocarbon dates, the absolute date of the volcanic eruption at 3870 ± 40 B.P. as well as the recovered tool kits, I have distinguished between three separate prehistoric periods based upon tool technology:
This essay will aim to cover several archaeology techniques and methodologies that would have been used during excavation of archeological sites, in particular the New Kinord site. These methods will provide an insight into a wide range of information that I am interested in discovering. These include what the inhabitants of the site did for a living, their diet and how the term of occupation can be determined.
The Chattahoochee River is located in Georgia and flows southwesterly towards Alabama. Evidence indicates that humans have been inhabitants of the Chattahoochee River for an extremely long period.
The Colorado River Basin starts in the Rocky Mountains and cuts through 1500 miles of canyon lands and deserts of seven US states and two Mexican states to supply a collection of dams and reservoirs with water to help irrigate cropland, support 40 million people, and provide hydroelectric power for the inland western United States [1,2]. From early settlement, rights over the river have been debated and reassigned to different states in the upper and lower basin; however, all the distribution patterns lead to excessive consumption of the resource. In 1922, the seven US states signed into the Colorado River Compact, which outlined the policy for the distribution rights to the water [3], however, this compact was written during an exceptionally
The great flood of the Mississippi river in 1927 prompted the severing of class divisions and the extension of racial oppression. The flood caused over $350 million in property damage, 246 flood-related deaths, and a home loss of 130,00. Many african americans fled north to escape the racial oppression that resulted from the disastrous flood. Police held black african americans at gun point until they agreed to help raise the levees to protect buildings and houses from rising flood waters. After African americans started refusing to work, one got shot in the back and all the african americans fled north to escape the hardships that were brought about when the river flooded. After Hoover won presidency, he did not keep his promises to ensure
The hospitality can be effusive, almost overwhelming, and the food is delicious and more varied than the usual deep-fried clichés. King Cotton sprouted from the fertile farmland that still dominates the region, as did the hard-luck chants of the field workers that evolved into America's original music: the blues.
This assignment will briefly study the theoretical dimensions of the tectonic by indicate the background and the process of development from not only Australia but also the overall world. And after that, the theoretical discourse will be discussed from the works of Donovan Hill and Glenn Murcutt as contributing to the continuance and development of tectonic tradition. During the whole essay, some of the interpretations by critics, writers and historians will be examined as well.
Lori Loughlin is known for her time on Fuller House, but her new show When Calls the Heart is one that fans are really enjoying. Paste Magazine actually got the chance to talk to Lori Loughlin and get the details on how things are going for her and get some details on both shows. Lori shared that she always wanted to act, but her career actually started when she ended up becoming a print model by accident. If you remember, Lori Loughlin's first real acting job was a It was a three-and-a-half year gig on a soap opera called, The Edge of Night.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples inhabited the land of Australia for many thousands of years
The South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China, established by Moa Zedong in 1952, is a water diversion project that would divert 44.8 billion cubic meters of water annually to the drier north of China ("South-to-North Water"). The project would link China’s four main rivers the Yangtze, Yellow River, Huaihe and Haihe. China plans on doing this by constructing three diversion routes moving through the south to north ("South-to-North Water"). It would stretch across the central, eastern and western parts of the country ("South-to-North Water"). This project is expected to cost around $62 billion dollars and take around 50 more years to complete ("South-to-North Water"). By trying to divert the rivers and create an equal distribution of water, the project raises many environmental concerns but has many positives. This paper will evaluate the different perspectives of the ecomodernist and resilience theory. This will be shown by analyzing each perspective, evaluating the different concerns and analyzing how each perspective would respond to the water diversion project.