
The Positive Benefits Of Social Media In Education

Decent Essays

Christina Wallace Professor Parrish ENGL13001 Composition 26 September 2017 What’s it worth? Social Media in Education Social Media is a broad term. The definition states “websites and applications that enable the user to create and share content or to participate in social networking.” Social networking can be described as “the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself”. For the context of this essay social media will be looked at in two forms. Social networking, as in a platform in which one is there for the primary reason of finding likeminded or differently minded people to conversate. While educational media will be used to describe a platform in which one has created a place to teach or learn from others. The concern with social media in education exist when these three areas are combined. Social media has changed society to the highest degree. Everyone wants to do what they want to do, and they don’t want anyone to think it’s another’s place to correct their own beliefs. When this happens it is easy for lines to be crossed and issues to arise. In the educational field teachers professors, and tutors are to be extremely careful about what they post and who they followon any platform. Social media in education can be a great benefit when used in the educational media form, but can be extremely damaging when it is mixed with social networking. There are obvious benefits and issues that

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