
The Positive Parenting Program : The Triple P Program

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The Positive Parenting Program also known as the Triple P Program is a proposed study developed to help improve parent adolescent relationships. The target audience for this study will include single mothers and their adolescent children who live in underserved communities. I hypothesized that poverty can lead to maladaptive childhood outcomes for children. I analyzed five articles. Each article I examined focused on the negative effects that contribute to poor parenting and harmful child outcomes. There has been evidence to state that depression, poverty, and family structure all contribute to poor parenting skills. The Triple P will be divided into three components. These components will include education, parent and child communication skills, and group counseling. Throughout the program, mothers will slowly develop on how to practice positive parenting skill.

Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)
The goal for this proposed program is to help unite parent child relationships for single mothers. Single parenting can be hard because parents have to support their children and household based on a single income. In particular, Triple P (Positive Parenting Programs) will reach out to single mothers living in poverty with low-wage jobs. Mothers living in poverty experience depression and financial strain. In turn, these effects on the mother will project on the child; resulting in poor parenting skills. In order to enhance these skills parents

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