
Essay on The Positive and Negative Influence of Globalization

Decent Essays

The process of globalization has been labeled as one of the most influential features of the world’s recent history. Ever since 1980s, Globalization has been a buzzword. It is widely accepted as an efficient means toward various transformations, including technology innovations and economy reforms. Empowered by advances in communications,globalization enables people to share resources for newly emerging businesses with wide-ranging horizons of their managers and therefore significantly boosts the economy through making a full use of labor and capital from all over the world. Globalization does make the world more prosperous. At its best, it can be efficient, progressive and free. With greater and wider foreign trade and investment, …show more content…

Workers of the hotel work in grimy conditions behind-the-scenes and live in miserable shabby places. The work is tedious. “This washing up was a thoroughly odious job—not hard, but boring and silly beyond words,” Orwell writes, “it is dreadful to think that some people spend their whole decades at such occupations(639).”
Foxconn is a symbol, an extraordinary specimen of China’s participation in globalization. It is a legend itself. Guarded as an “industrial empire,” it produces a huge amount of GDP, manufacturing prosperity, and even created a class, a society of working and producing. However, while it manages workers as machines, this legendary manufacturer has no longer deserve its halo: “reports of forced overtime, child labor, minimum wage violations and unsafe working conditions at its suppliers, have contrasted with Apple’s status as creator of hallowed devices and its spectacular $13 billion in profit –30 percent of sales –in the first quarter.”
An increase in concern over worker safety is

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