
Postal Acceptance Rule Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Abstract. This research paper investigates the case of The Postal Acceptance Rule in modern communication technologies, focused to electronic mail. In order to achieve a pragmatic result, author presupposes that electronic mail is not a traditional communication method for contract partners, however it can be considered a transformation of postal mail to digital world. Introduction It is difficult to imagine the modern world without contracts. They are combination of intention, agreement and consideration. The existence of an agreement between the parties is usually analyzed through the rules of offer and acceptance. This rule enacts when second party accepts the offeror’s offer. As acceptance is crucial part of the contract and the core issue in our case, the paper concentrates to “acceptance” part and considers that if acceptance occurs then contract will be conclusive as well. Since the establishment of the Postal Acceptance Rule, the world has been changed a lot. Nowadays, we can’t conceive our environment without electronic transfers and it is applied to postal services as well. As communication methods have been changed, the courts have been to look over the applicability of the rule for each new issue. Because the portion of email usage in communication pool increasing day after day, it is indispensable that this affair be resolved to empower contracting parties to apply these methods with a degree of certainty. Also, application and comparison of Postal

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