
The Power Of Habit By Charles Duhigg

Decent Essays

My Plan to Change My Habit In the Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg explains his theory of habit formation based on the habit loop. The habit loop is whenever a certain cue triggers your brain to go into a mode that automatically uses makes you follow certain patterns. This routine can be physical, mental or emotional. Then there is a reward, which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future. We know a habit that we have good or bad is for a reason, but I know I need to change some of my bad habits based on Dudingg’s theory and it seems I can keep the same cue but create a new routine which is the middle step of habit loop and in the end I will get a good result and be happy. My bad habit is overspending even though I don’t have money; for example, when I see a purse with a new color or style I just go ahead and use my credit card, and the debt and interest payments create problems for me later. As I read Duhingg’s theory I see that I want to compare how the habit works in my life, how I can create a new rule in my life and how I use the golden rule of habit change to convert my bad habit of over spending. When I read the book about the Power of Habit which describes cue, routine and reward, I remembered the habit that I have in my life. I have the habit of overspending and no matter if I have money or not. When I go to the mall my brain gives me a signal like a cue that tells me to buy purses or perfumes because they are on

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