The function of Nigel’s behavior is that he does not like attention and he likes to be by himself. Hypothesis Statement: The primary motivator for Nigel’s outbursts and tantrums (cursing, yelling, spitting, and shoving chairs) is that he does not like attention. He knows these outbursts will earn him independent work time, which is why he continues doing so.
In the first two pages of Chapter One Nick Carraway’s tone is for the most part haughty. The first sign of Nick’s arrogant tone becomes evident when he mentions the advice given to him by his father when he was younger. “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”(Fitzgerald, 1). Although the idea of being tolerant is a positive one on its own, the way Nick portrays it makes it seem as his high-class upbringing gives him an edge over everyone else. Further on in the novel Nick mentions that “in consequence”(Fitzgerald, 1) to his reservation of all judgement he receives a lot of attention from “wild, unknown men”(Fitzgerald,
Barry Bagsley uses language and the threat of violence to bully students. Who are the targets of Bagsley’s bullying? Explain why he chooses to bully these individuals and explain his bullying strategies. How do the victims respond to being bullied and how effective are their responses in coping with the bullying?
The atmosphere he grew up seldom showed any anger / aggression management. His father used to physically abuse him and his mother for very little mistakes. As a child, he learnt the only way to get rid of
From a young age Devon was introduced to violence. That being on the news and from video games. this led to his future love of strategy and warefare; which has since led his behavior. Weather it be from harassing teachers or just useing all hi time to think of ways to conquer the world.
There were a lot of touching stories throughout the book titled Evicted written by Matthew Desmond, one story that really stuck out to me was the story of a man named Lamar. Lamar lived in a housing unit owned by Sherrena. Lamar is hard working man, who lives his life in a wheelchair, and recovering addict. Lamar’s story seemed to have a lot of similar characteristics to what I might expect for someone to have a hard life.
Fraser tells his reader that he was often described as “disruptive” and “unfocused” in his grade school years. As Giles continues, he describes his mischievous behavior as a passing phase where there were other things he desired more than going to class and because his desires were not satisfied he rebelled. “This may be a less noble account, but hardly pathological, or in need of some medical classification” (Fraser 261). Many young children experience this same phenomenon; today a term scientists deem as ADHD. “Since the early 80’s, society has decided that adolescent trouble-making is some sort of medical condition” (Fraser 261).
In health and social care settings, aggression could often be the result of fear, frustration or stress; consequently resulting in barriers to effective communication. Therefore care practitioners should device strategies to overcome this barrier by dealing with aggressive behaviour appropriately. For example:
I would use direct observations to collect data on Nigel. I would conduct an ABC analysis on Nigel to map out his target behaviors, determine definitions of target behaviors, and hypothesize a function for the behaviors. Once these target behaviors have been defined, and identified, I would do an event record of Nigel’s target behaviors. I would record how often Nigel demonstrates any of the problem behaviors to determine which behaviors are the most
An example of his sudden outbursts is when he says,” i was only 13 and they were going to have me psychoanalized and all, because i broke all the windows in the garage.”. To be fair, his brother Allie passedn away before he did this, but violence is not a very good oping mechanism. He alslo uses social seclusion as a coping mechanism, which is a common symptom of almost every mental disorder. An example of his social seclusion is the night of the pencey prep school game. He didnt go be cause he didnt like to, he didnt want to. He caqn be teated with cognitive behavior therapy, which will most likely improve his future mental
Demonstrates anger by slamming doors and stamping of feet and verbally by saying ‘ I hate you’
Uncontrolled impulses that result in recurrent episodes of aggressive behavior. These may be verbal (temper tantrums, verbal arguments, or fights) or physical (injury to property, animals, or other people). Physical acts of aggression may result in damage to property or injury of an animal or another person, but usually do not.
Willy’s short temper and sense of paranoia turned any conversation he has into an argument. Willy does not show an ideal example of a father for his sons, patience and understanding vanishes when Willy shows his anger. Hence causing a
Pupil B has learnt oppositional and defiant behaviours towards adults who try and enforce school structures. The effect is that during this behaviour B is not expected to engage. On these occasions, behaviour often results in screaming, throwing furniture or running and hiding. The latter is also learnt behaviour from his background. When upset, B will conceal himself in very small places where he will engage in self-harming.
Jackson appeared withdrawn, and was somewhat embarrassed before stating that he did not do well in school. Jackson knows that he can perform better in school. When the other children began to tease Jackson, he was ready to fight some of them. This is typical behavior for Jackson, and is also a pattern of disorganized attachment. Children with a disorganized pattern in infancy tend to show disturbed patterns of relationships, subsequently, their relationships with peers can often be characterized by a “fight or flight” pattern of alternate aggression and withdrawal. Jackson’s coping skills when upset, threatened, or embarrassed is fight, unless the person is physically bigger than him. If this is the case, Jackson uses flight to cope, and seeks his grandmother for protection and comfort.
I also feel that, given the opportunity, it would have been of use to carry out an event sampling observation with a focus on any aggressiveness towards others. Throughout the time sampling observation, this was a recurrent behaviour and would, if nothing else, have been interesting to see how often it truly occurred and if there was a regular cause for it. The time sampling I carried out is contained in appendix 1 and the narrative observation in appendix 2.