
The Professional Spotlight Of Kent State University Essay

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The Professional Spotlight is a regularly (semesterly) updated showcase for Kent State University – Stark students in the professional/technical/business disciplines to publish their formal/workplace writings (experiences, concerns, ideas, and recommendations) done in a university setting in order to promote professional excellence and disseminate lessons learned. With that being said, the overall purpose of the site is aimed towards the student because of the fact that it was created to showcase the different technical writing works of students. It was created that way so that the students are able to have multiple benefits from the site and some of them lead to our secondary audience. This is beneficial because it is creating an opportunity for students to have their work published that is accessible to a broader and different audience than that of the writing center review. The writing center review is aimed towards the academic aspect as to where the Professional Spotlight is aimed towards technical writing pieces.
Therefore, with the students being able to submit their technical writing pieces such as class projects, internship pieces, proposals, technical writing and other workplace writing they are targeting an audience that the writing center review is not. The Professional Spotlight helps to target potential employers for the students. It allows the potential employers to see the student’s professional pieces and from that they can see what type of person that

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