
The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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We all need to be aware of the topic animal testing. Animal testing is a worldwide discussion and is always a topic for debate. There are countries that already have banned animal testing, they are European Union, Norway, Israel, and India. The United States, Australia, and New Zealand are considering banning animal testing. The animals being tested on for cosmetics is mice, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs. These animals don’t deserve this kind of treatment. Although there are pros and cons to this issue. Some people say that animals are very similar to us humans. These animals have very similar body types with us with the diseases they get and illnesses. Other people say animals are different than humans and that we aren’t a hundred percent match and it’s unreliable. Overall, people have already taken the action to stop this and there are still people who are still for it and we need to teach them about the pros and the cons of the issue.
When talking about the ban on animal testing, four countries have already done so. The European Union was the first ever official animal testing ban in the world in 2013. Visala says “The EU also previously banned testing of finished animal products way back in 2004, and animal-tested ingredients were banned in 2008” (Kantammeni). The European Union tried to push other countries to use alternatives. They banned any imports of any kinds of cosmetic animal testing. Norway is also another country that has banned animal testing. They say

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