If you are going to start a business online or in other professional terms you would like to step into e- business then you must first have the basic knowledge of computers. Second is to see what other competitors are offering online in cloth selling business. you should never copy what others are diung but you should take them as your guide or mentor in establishing your own E-Retailing. So basically research and analysis all pros and cons of E business and how long it will be going to give furitfull results to your business. eCommerce Strategy and Plan Having a plan can help save you from making mistakes and getting off target from your original objectives. A plan does not have to be long and complex. Consider the key issues: Mission - …show more content…
Will you sell to consumers, to businesses, to both. Will you build a marjetplace where lots of businesses can sell together online. What kind of resources will you need - Every busness needs to budget for resources and you need to ensure that you have the capital to get your venture moving. What is the demographic focus - Who will be your primary buyer? Knowing this can help you setup the online assets to be more attractive to the demographic that you are targetting. What expertise is available - Self managed and when you need assistance. an ABN/ACN/ABRN - for the Australian market you need to setup a registered business if you are serious about being successful. Check out www.business.gov.au or www.digitalbusiness.gov.au. Tax model - this in many ways relates to the business model B2B or B2C. I Australia you need to collect GST on most goods and services. If you are unsure of the take model seek advice. Domain name/s - your brand and your domain name are linked together for you business. Choose a domain name that represents your brand and is not being used in other countries. Technology
After that, one needs to figure out what kind of site they want, if they do not know already. Are they going to be Business-to-business site, which is where transactions of buying and selling goods and services are between two different businesses? Are they going to be Business-to-Customers site, which is where the business is selling their goods or services to a customer? Are they going to be a Costumer-to-Costumer site, which is a third-party site, like Amazon or Etsy, that allows transactions of buying or selling services or goods be between two different consumers? Or are they just going to have a purely informational site, meaning one just supplies information whether then having consumers purchase services or goods through the site.
The first key to starting a successful online business is to first understand ecommerce and how it operates. Most people understand that ecommerce or electronic commerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer
Lang and Bressolles (2013) conducted a study on the “Economic Performance and Customer Expectation in e-Fulfillment Systems: A Multi-Channel Retailer Perspective”. In order to identify their findings and evaluate the economic performances on the four e-fulfillment systems, they performed a method to evaluate the theoretical and empirical points of view gathered from conducting interviews with various employees within retail companies. Based on a literature review in supply chain management and in marketing, five economic performance and four customer expectation indicators are identified.
No plan is perfect – no matter how well one thinks it out, there is always margin for error. A successful, well thought out plan consists of a solid primary plan, alternate means of achieving the goal and leeway to allow for mistakes.
-To be the major retailer in our sector across the city and state in three years.
The reason for making a plan is to help me to be further in charge of of my future, by reminding me what I have learned and achieved. Creating my plan will help me develop more confidence in my ability to tackle new things.
Plan can help you to decide the course of action you will take. It allows you to estimate the time each piece part of the work will take and the total time it will take you to complete the work. A schedule can then be created of what has to be done throughout the working day, allowing you to manage your time effectively to meet objectives and deadlines.
Very little proportion of the Indian retail industry is organized. The supply and the distribution side are very much fragmented, that is, there is a huge tail towards the supply side of the chain. There are two possible options available to aggregate the supply, one by allowing the suppliers to list out onto an area where there is maximum demand. The other possibility is to carry inventory, where most of the supply side is controlled by the small suppliers. It is very hard to hold the inventory for any local or international brands because it will lead to increase the cost. If observed, clearly most of the emerging markets in the world and the e-commerce companies are marketplaces and the obvious reason is the fragmented supply side.
So what happens when you have a plan? To have a plan means you sat down and took all the important stuff and prioritized or put it in an order that makes sense.
Planning can be defined as, preparing a series of action steps that lead to a specific goal. A plan is a road map, which allows you track how far you have come and what is left to reach your desired destination. Although planning anything in life can often be difficult due to our inability to control everything that happens to us, possessing a well-thought out plan is essential to effective decision making. When contemplating what I want to accomplish in the next three years, I was surprised to realize that I had already taken the first steps in obtaining my desired goals. I first came back to school for the simple fact that I was tired of dead-end jobs, and I understood that if I wanted a better career I needed to acquire my degree. I didn’t want to waste my time gaining a degree that wasn’t going to be applicable in the real world.
Without a proper, executable plan in life or in work, you won’t know where you’re actually going and, unluckily, you’ll simply end up doing nothing. Same is the social media marketing; it demands a proper plan. To get succeed there must be an over-all plan and a daily plan.
Planning is a process of establishing a mission with clear goals as a means to achieve them. Good planning requires special skills and perspectives allowing decision-makers to understand the challenges they are facing and apply the most effective solution to a problem. In order to achieve success, one must plan accordingly. Planning can be short term or long term. Short term plans are done on daily basis and are easier to achieve than long term plans. Long term plans are also known as strategic plans and are used to achieve a long range vision or mission of a company. In both methods of planning, short term and long term, is necessary to achieve top notch results. Like in any other process, there are both benefits and pitfalls to a
E-commerce is an ever developing platform of the future. Starting in 1995 E-commerce has come along way and has potential to grow exponentially. E-commerce is an opportunity for people to shop or sell from the comfort of their homes. E-commerce has the ways and the means to propel business to the next level. E-commerce is an easy way to market your ideas or items to consumers. You don’t need a lot of capital to start your own E-commerce business, for this reason, the younger generation enjoys the relatively elementary procedures to start their business. Starting an e-commerce site for my boss isn’t easy, having said that, you still need the same concepts of a regular business if you want to be successful in E-commerce. Some questions that need to be asked are: who are your targeted audience, what demographics come into play, and how will revenue be generated for your business? All points considered, there are steps you have to take before blindly starting your business. Below is the website I created for my boss to expand his business.
The reason why you are reading this review is because you too want to obtain the correct knowledge and a piece of the action to make a successful business online.
I'm sure that you've heard the saying "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket" when it comes to running a physical business or online business. When it comes to making money, you won't want to rely on one method to bring in the bacon or one advertising platform that is your bread and butter lol. You'll need to diversify your income streams in order to keep a healthy business running for a long time.