Planning can be defined as, preparing a series of action steps that lead to a specific goal. A plan is a road map, which allows you track how far you have come and what is left to reach your desired destination. Although planning anything in life can often be difficult due to our inability to control everything that happens to us, possessing a well-thought out plan is essential to effective decision making. When contemplating what I want to accomplish in the next three years, I was surprised to realize that I had already taken the first steps in obtaining my desired goals. I first came back to school for the simple fact that I was tired of dead-end jobs, and I understood that if I wanted a better career I needed to acquire my degree. I didn’t want to waste my time gaining a degree that wasn’t going to be applicable in the real world. …show more content…
The health care industry is one of the largest, fastest growing, and stable industries in this country; in fact employment growth is expected to account for 3.6 million new wage and salary jobs within the next ten years (United States Department of Labor, 2013). I immediately began looking for a degree that could get me a job in health care. I am repulsed by the sight of blood and other bodily functions, so I knew right away a nursing degree or clinical position was not an option. I do however have over six years of administration experience, therefore when I saw the Health Care Administration program at Fresno Pacific I knew immediately I wanted to join. As I look back at my life now, I see enrolling at FPU was my first step to reaching my overall goal of a career in human resource
Libby Faffler, LNHA, became interested in health care administration during her undergraduate education at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Originally, when she began her college education she wanted to become a nurse. That plan changed during her sophomore year after she transferred to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. It was during this time that she realized nursing was not the path she wanted to take. However, Libby was still interested in the health care field and wanted to pursue a career in that direction. When she looked at the health care administration major, she noticed that most of her pre-nursing courses coincided with the courses needed for the health care administrator major. Libby then decided to pursue a degree in health care
The reason for making a plan is to help me to be further in charge of of my future, by reminding me what I have learned and achieved. Creating my plan will help me develop more confidence in my ability to tackle new things.
Planning is an important action that that everyone who has goals should do, because planning will help people reach goals if they properly prepare to reach their goals. For example, when I was in high school one of my goals was to go to college, so I started planning the steps I needed to take to get to where I wanted to be. I started planning the things I needed to do such as get good grades, volunteer, apply for scholarships, and attend college. Because I already had a plan in mind and knew the steps I needed to take, it was easy to meet my goal, but if I had not planned for my future, then most likely
Plan can help you to decide the course of action you will take. It allows you to estimate the time each piece part of the work will take and the total time it will take you to complete the work. A schedule can then be created of what has to be done throughout the working day, allowing you to manage your time effectively to meet objectives and deadlines.
I’ve worked for DaVita dialysis for two years; before changing careers I worked in early childhood education for 8 years. I decided to make a career change because I didn’t feel in my heart that I was being challenging myself enough to my full potential. I’ve always enjoyed the opportunity to help others. My mother has been an LPN for over 36 years, so I spent countless hours at her job at a hospital when I was growing up. I would spend time in the office of the her director of nurse and I would ask questions for days. I’ve always had a passion for healthcare, but, I was afraid of blood so decided that nursing was out the question for me. So I chose the business side of healthcare to focus on. I want to advance my career in healthcare.
Meeting deadlines and reaching goals gives a sense of achievement and lets others know you can be relied on.
Using the SMART method, my long term goal is to continue my work as a CNA while applying for healthcare administrator positions. I would like to work as an administrator for at least 3 years for any medical setting. While working, I will be looking into ways on how I can own and operate a home healthcare agency. According to Marak, (2017), I really don’t need to have experience in the medical industry; I would just need to have the passion for providing care, the marketing savvy, an understanding of business knowledge, and integrity. With my CNA experience, along with my other work experiences, I am half way there.
I’m eager to pursue a career in Healthcare. By becoming a Health Care Aide, this would allow me to fulfill my ambition where I am able to help and care for the elderly. I chose this program because I have been attracted to the profession for two main reasons; firstly, I’ve always had an interest in caring for the elderly and liked the thought of working in a large hospital environment or working in a health care facility. Secondly, being rewarded with an exciting career will give me excellent benefits, flexible working practices, job security and plenty of employment opportunities for growth. I fully understand that being a Health Care Aide can be a very demanding profession but also a very satisfying one where you have the chance to enhance
To plan is to devise or project the realization of achievement. I have a plan to improve myself and my education. My academic plan for the rest of the school year is trying harder in Math, improving myself in ELA, and studying more at home. I will tell you about this plan in the following paragraphs, so let us jump right in.
My goal is to have a career in health care management. While researching careers, I discovered health care management. I choose health care management as my career option for two reasons. I’m looking for a career where I can do what I passionate about and impact lives. These are important factor in my career choice. Health care management met my two requirements and at that point I knew this was the career for me. I firmly believe that any career I pursue should be one that I’m passionate about. One of my passions is helping others. Health care managers help patients just as much as doctors, nurses and other clinical professionals. For me it’s very imperative that I find a career were I would have impact the lives of others. This would ensure that I’m fulfilling one of my purposes in life. I 'm ready to experience the emotional and intellectual rewards my MBA will
Upon completion of my bachelor’s degree program, I will try to seek employment with my hospital human resources department as a generalist. I currently work with staffing and with a bachelor’s degree in management; I believe I would be ready to move up to a higher level. The transition from staffing to human resources I believe would be smooth, because I am familiar with the hiring process and I am also knowledgeable with dealing with outside staffing agencies.
Healthcare has many different areas one can go into if interested in this field. I have chosen two that have always been an interest to me; Nursing (particularly registered nursing) and an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). Both jobs are very demanding and extremely important. Both are respected jobs and require a tremendous amount of caring for others.
The university is lacking superior resources that would adequately prepare graduate students of this field and facilitate their success on the job market. The College of Nursing & Health Sciences is missing out on an opportunity to expand graduate student enrollment. The university board could possibly react as if this matter is not significant. However, it is of grand significance that FIU offers a Master's degree in Health Services Administration, and the following benefits of a new approach will explain why.
Planning is a process of establishing a mission with clear goals as a means to achieve them. Good planning requires special skills and perspectives allowing decision-makers to understand the challenges they are facing and apply the most effective solution to a problem. In order to achieve success, one must plan accordingly. Planning can be short term or long term. Short term plans are done on daily basis and are easier to achieve than long term plans. Long term plans are also known as strategic plans and are used to achieve a long range vision or mission of a company. In both methods of planning, short term and long term, is necessary to achieve top notch results. Like in any other process, there are both benefits and pitfalls to a
Planning is not only about knowing what to do, when to do and who will do it, but it is also about defining the path towards attaining the