
The Pros And Cons Of Face To Face Communication

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Whenever meeting up with friends or family, they always seem to be scrolling up and down on their phone. Majority of the time this means that they're either on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, replying to text messages or emails. Many of us have become dependent on using our technological devices to communicate and to meet new people since it's convenient for us, making face to face communication scarce in modern society. Using social media to communicate comes with many high risks. Not being able to see who you are communicating with personally can be risky because you wouldn't be able to know if the person is real or fake. Although technology and social media are used all around the world by individuals who are looking for new people to interact with face to face communication would be the best way to interact with new people, since you can personally see them and be more comfortable in trusting them. Using face to face communication can express emotions through the tone of your voice or facial expressions, which you cannot receive when using social media. Instead of using facial expressions to show how you feel you would use emoticons or tell the person the way you feel through a text message. Many times the use of emotion through social media can lead to cyber bullying because the person wouldn’t be able to see you to know if you are being serious or sarcastic towards them. Paul Booth, an assistant professor of media and cinema studies in the College of Communication

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