It is my understanding that some counties in Washington do not require a Vehicle Emission Test every two years. If this is true, what criteria qualify those counties for an exemption? Is this test really necessary in Clark County? If so, what are the benefits? If not, what can be done to remove the test as a requirement to obtain a vehicle tab, the fees for which were just increased substantially. Eliminating unnecessary taxes and fees can be a huge benefit to many senior citizens who have no other income besides Social Security. Your follow up in this matter would be
This gives people old of age a chance to enjoy the rest of their life without having to work during their elderly time in life. One of the programs of the Social Security was ‘’Old Age Assistance’’. Seen in the ‘’Social Security programs’’, they state the description as ‘’Federal financial support and oversight of state-based welfare programs for the elderly’’. This allowed elderly people who were incapable of making a living to earn money to take care of themselves. Also seen in ‘’Social Security programs’’, as of 2008 the number of beneficiaries is 50,898,244.
Social Security has been a very beneficial government program for elderly people, and those whom they support, when being an active member in the workforce is no longer an option for reasons such as old age, disability, or death. Destruction of the program, or worse, lack of the aid, would be catastrophic. Without it, it could leave many senior citizens that can no longer
America is fortunate to have benefits available to help retirees, the disabled, survivors, and dependents. The benefits are made up of taxes taken from the working class people and distributed by a circulation of calculations. In Joseph and Dorothy Matthews book Social Security, Medicare &
The challenges and impact of Baby Boomers on long-term care systems are going to modify the manner in which traditional health care, patient access, financial payments and treatment are delivered. Baby Boomers will have an extensive amount of care maintenance needs involving various rehabilitation conditions, acute and chronic illnesses, which will require a significant amount of thoroughly trained gerontologists, skilled nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, community advocates, and family involvement. This article explores options sought to reduce the costs to society and Baby Boomers as innovative savings, tax credit options, and other alternative long-term care financing choices lessening the impact on the long-term care system.
The solution to this daunting problem was to tax businesses. Payments to current retirees are financed by a payroll on current workers wages’ half directly as a payroll tax and half paid by the employer” (SCHC). “Congress” implemented strategically taking money from financial stable workers and their weather employer to give money to the elderly and physically impaired without hurting the financial stability of those taxed individuals. The government saw an opening for improvement with in their national support and took it for the betterment of the nation. The act also protects the and gives states money to support “unemployment insurance, aid to families with dependent children, maternal and child welfare, public health insurance, and blind services” (SCHC). The act expands on just the elderly receiving government assistance but all groups who can not provide for them selves due to uncontrollable circumstances that where originally caused by the governments neglect and the start of the great depression.
Notably, the elderly populace is growing rapidly, and will reach 3.4 million or 12.8% of the population. Eventually, in the next thirty years older adults will comprise of 20% of the total population due to the aging of 76 million baby boomers (Olson, 2001). Seeing that, entitlement programs and means-tested benefits, are presented, in order to bolster this increment of older adults. Accordingly, around 96% of the American workforce is secured by Social Security and it is likewise estimated that 58 million American will receive a total of $816 billion in Social Security benefits (Moody and Sasser, 2015). In fact, today 56 million or 17% of the population is enlisted in Medicare (Leonard, 2015). Therefore, this has presented an open deliberation about the eventual fate of Medicare and Social Security and regardless of whether changing Medicare and Social Security to means-tested benefits, instead of entitlement programs can resolve the policy issues.
By understanding the benefits of Social Security, every American would learn that millions of seniors depend on it to survive. Cutting Social Security could a part of a grand bargain to trim deficits, but Democrats have ruled out such cuts in the budget. America is in the
A landmark change in providing for the elderly came in 1935 with Franklin D. Roosevelt 's Social Security Act. While this provided aid to people with disabilities and mothers with children, aid was also mainly intended for the elderly. The premise of the act was that an individual would pay into the government through the years that they worked and upon retiring that person would receive benefits. Elderly Americans relied on this system to help pay for expenses that they might incur after they reached an age where they could no
The Social Security Act of 1935 was passed in order to provide for elderly citizens who could not provide for themselves. Through this system, working citizens would pay into the system to provide for citizens aged 65 and older, and then when they reached the age of 65 they would be cared for as well. This system continues today, but as the life expectancy of citizens increases, many wonder if the Social Security cut off age should be raised to 70. It should. The fact of the matter is that the average 65 year old does not need their social security check in the way they did in 1935, so the system shouldn’t be wasting its finite resources caring for them.
A bold promise has been made to the senior citizens of our country. The Democrats are promising that they will allow senior citizens income to be taxed if it is below $50,000. They cite rising cost of medications, health care, and energy costs are the reason. They do not want to burden them with taxes. Some of these senior citizens have not paid enough taxes to enjoy benefits of Social Security and Medicare—but they get it anyway. Besides, if the healthcare law that just passed is so great—why give seniors a tax break? Aren’t their medical costs going to go down by result of the healthcare bill’s
Young, a faith-based retirement community in Dallas, would see residents hit hard by the tax. Russell Crews, President & CEO, sees the legislation as an unacceptable route to generate state revenue. "We are asking the generation that has already sacrificed so much to now pay a significant and unfair tax. We hope legislators make the right choice and find quality of care solutions that are paid for by all Texans, not just those that are sick and aging.”
MOT testing in Gatley happens once a year, but it is important to use a certified MOT testing garage. A certified garage is distinguishable by the blue and white triangles displayed at their entrance. An MOT test is required by law to ensure that your vehicle complies with the standards of safety and exhaust emissions of motor vehicles of more than a specified age. If your car is older than 3 years, it is required to have an annual MOT test.
First and foremost, despite slight recent increases in the amount of income obtained by members of the older population, their economic status is still quite perilous (Federal Interagency Forum, 2012).1 Men in this category have a median income of $27,707, while women continue to lag behind with a median income of $15,362 (AOA & AOCL, 2012). A vast majority of these individuals cite Social Security as their primary source for this income, amounting to 86-percent of the total older population (AOA & AOCL,
Medicare is not the only benefit seniors receive from their government. Taxes can be greatly affected by age. For instance, many elderly receive tax breaks and extensions based on their social security benefits as well as reductions and tax-cuts on certain holdings and investments. So with Roth IRAs, 401k the elderly is only taxed upon withdrawal. Discounts are available everywhere for the elderly from restaurants to cruise ships. Normally, with higher prices bring bigger discounts. Ageing workers are more skilled, knowledgeable, and more proficient than their younger counterparts. Often times it can be said that the “older people” are more intelligent, practical, intuitive, extremely flexible and very strategic in their work ethic, planning and can be considered “intelligent” in life’s well learned lessons that come with age and wisdom. Being positive and using an example in this way between aging and greater wisdom, one tends to have a greater degree of patience, greater understanding and wisdom that parallels life’s pathway. “Many elders in foreign countries are considered to be esteemed and held in high regard,” (Applebaum, Bardo, Robbins (2103). Some studies show that interests, motivation and skill does not decline with age, nor does a person’s work performance suffer due to aging. Aging workers also receive higher salaries due to their tenure. Finally, there is no data to show that older workers cost more to insure than younger
Social Security is what keeps many elderly and disabled Americans from being stricken by poverty. Without Social Security in our society 15.3 million elderly would have incomes below the poverty line, however after Social Security was added to the equation only 3.8 million elderly have incomes below poverty. Three-fourths of those elderly people who would have been poor without Social Security were removed from below the poverty line by Social