
The Pros And Cons Of Social Media

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In discussion of social media being a controversial issue, it is discussed whether it brings positive or negative outcomes on our society. Some argue that it helps stay connected with friends, while others say that social media affects our ability to interact and communicate with people face to face. Additionally, it is argued that social media helps spread news all over the world instantly, cases like missing people or updates on impacting news. However, it increases cyberbullying with the help of common and successful social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Social media used to be a good informative platform, but then it started negatively affecting many. Information was easy to diffuse among many, and since it was easier, many people used it for bad things. For example, rumours about others were quickly spread around the internet. That lead to cyber bullying, which in many cases it lead to suicide. Cyberbullying has become one of the biggest problems on social media, it is easy for one to hide their identity under a fake profile and bully others via message or commenting on their pictures/posts. “Audrie Pott was attacked sexually at a party she attended by three boys. Photos were taken of the incident and posted online. She was at a sleepover and alcohol was involved. The girl hunged herself about 8 days after the incident. The Photos were shared with classmates from Saratoga High School. She did not tell anyone about the attack or the incident. Her parents did not know about it until after her death.” ( Social media is a platform where pictures or anything can be shared instantly for everyone to see. One can’t do nothing to try to hide those pictures unless you are the owner to delete them, many are able to screenshot it and share it all over social media. In addition, to having people commenting negative comments on their picture. “About 20 per cent of kids that are cyber bullied think about suicide. The Hartford County Examiner reports that 1 to 10 kids that are cyber bullied do not tell their parents. Only 1 of 5 cyber bullying incidents is reported to authorities. The Cyberbullying Research Center reported that mean comments and spreading rumours are

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