
The Pros And Cons Of Social Responsibility

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Aside from the billions in buy backs, billions on fines, Volkswagen has still not recovered in the two years since with their stock price still below that of before the scandal. This goes to show that corporate social responsibility is taken more earnestly, now more than ever, and that it is in companies best interests to be ethical in their responsibilities.

Stakeholder interests are postulated to be vital to any successful business, managers should directly and clearly take into consideration their stakeholder’s interests and needs, aiming to accomplish them through various company strategies (Theodoulidis, B. Et al. 2017). Sourcing responsibly is an integral focus for many companies applying corporate social responsibilities, the relations they have with down the line suppliers and farmers have profound impacts upon those workers, the company, its branding and society at large. Companies like Starbucks show that by acting sustainably and sourcing responsibly a company doesn't not have to sacrifice profit or market domination. CSR takes the stakeholder theory in the direction that is best for all involved, it aids supplier and farmers, supports the shareholders and allows the company to prosper.

A companies drive for social responsibility can be out of passion, for their brand image, purely for profits or any mix of motives, wether this pursuit is ethic, the actions of social responsibility are. While some argue that a business must first and foremost put its profits

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