
The Pros And Cons Of Stay-At-Home Mom

Decent Essays

Stay-at-home mothers are discriminated against in many ways. Stay-at-home mothers might be considered “lazy” for choosing to stay at home and take care of their child instead of going back to work immediately. Even if a mother is planning on going back to work after a while, she still isn’t treated the same as women without children. In “Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom,” Ashley Nelson argues that taking time off of work after a woman has a child can be bad, women with children may earn less pay, and mothers are less likely to be promoted. I agree with Nelson that taking time off work can be bad, mothers may earn less pay, and mothers are less likely to be promoted because taking off of work can cause women to get out of the routine of working full time and we may not be able to do our best work as soon as we return.
Ashley Nelson’s article, “Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom,” is about mothers and what they should do about work when they have a child. Nelson argues that taking time off of work after a woman has a child can cause her to not be offered the same jobs or benefits as a non-mother or male. “Labor statistics show that while full-time working women without children earn 7 percent less than their male counterparts, women with children earn 23 percent less” (Nelson 413). She also states that mothers are less likely to be promoted than women without children. “The sense is that employers, consciously or not, demote mothers, assuming they cannot live up to the hours and demands of the work-place” (Nelson 414). Nelson also argues that women should keep some kind of a job after having children because they will be much more likely to get a new job or get their old job back with more benefits, better hours, and better pay.
Nelson argues that taking a lot of time off of work after having a child can be bad. Nelson states that “even minor career breaks have dire economic consequences” (413). This means that by leaving a career, even for just a couple of years, can have bad consequences. I believe that Nelson is correct because when women leave their job, they might have a hard time getting it back. Even though a mother is leaving her job to take care of her child, she is still quitting her job. When someone

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