
The Biological Perspective Essay

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The biological perspective focuses on the biological basis of behaviour such as brain areas and genetics, suggesting that our behaviour, experience and movements are controlled by the functions of our nervous system (Carlson, 2010). This approach therefore aims to explain the relationship between the mind and body, in addition to the influence of heredity on human behaviour (Glassman and Hadad, 2013). On the other hand, the psychoanalytical perspective is less scientific, as Sigmund Freud who created the approach, focused his research on less measurable aspects such as the Id, Ego and Superego in addition to his psychosexual theory of personality due to him creating the theories before conducting his research (Goodwin, 2005). This approach assumes that all physical symptoms can be drawn back to their psychological causes and that this primarily originates in early childhood, with Freud paying particular attention to parent-child relationships and sexual abuse (Francher, 2000).

The psychoanalytical approach focuses on the influence of the “unconscious” – Freud believed that much of our behaviour is motivated by unconscious desires and drives. Freud worked with his colleague, Dr Breuer, on the Anna O case of hysteria which is thought to be a turning point in psychoanalysis and influence Freud’s theory greatly (Sulloway, 1979). Freud discovered three major things during his work with Dr Breuer and is cites in his co-authored book, Studies on Hysteria. The first thing he

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