
The Psychological Changes Of Psychology

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When I was still a child, I was already very interested in observing people’s behavior and how they made decisions. When I read novels I considered the main characters decisions; likewise, in movies I would surmise the psychological changes of characters following the development of plot. Based on this interest, I eventually chose psychology as my major. After learning about Social Psychology, Applied Statistics for Social Sciences, Sampling Techniques, I found that the essence of psychology lied in statistics and experimental verification: each and every theory had to be proved by plenty of experiments. I was once required to design a mental experiment in which variables needed to be controlled strictly and interferences from unstable …show more content…

Through international factoring and a financial guarantee from us, we solved their enterprise financing problems by using buyer’s credit quota determination. They changed their settlement to credit sale and settled, which saved us from the trouble foreign exchange, credit cost and letters of credit. As a result the two companies’ monthly volume increased to $1 million, meeting their targets.

In the winter vacation of 2015, I worked as an intern in the purchasing department of Haering Precision Technology, which focuses on making components for Bosch, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, VW, GM, Ford and so on. My main job was to assist my colleagues in sourcing indirect stocks. I became familiar with the purchasing workflow, mastered the principles involved with cost analysis and understood how their supply chain management worked.

My work involved many aspects. For instance, once I got an internal order for 500 plastic injection connectors. I first had to confirm delivery time, product specification and quantity with the internal customer before making a timing plan and external sourcing. Then I had to determine 3-5 suppliers to make preliminary quotations. Then with performance-cost analysis I would choose the final supplier, who we would sign an agreement with. We had to make sure their quality management system met our standards through field visits. Next, we would send engineering drawings to supplier development engineers and arrange a time for our company and

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