
The Role Of Childhood Maltreatment And Symptoms Of Depression, Social Anxiety, And Generalized Anxiety

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1. Full APA style reference Asberg, Kia. "Hostility/Anger as a Mediator Between College Students’ Emotion Regulation Abilities and Symptoms of Depression, Social Anxiety, and Generalized Anxiety." The Journal of Psychology 147.5: 469-90. Print. 2. What is the specific topic the article is addressing? (i.e. the role of childhood maltreatment in eating disorders? The effect of exercise on stress levels?) The authors of this study are interested in how decreased emotional regulation is related to hostility and anger, which in turn can lead to symptoms of depression, GAD or social anxiety. 3. What background is provided by the authors of the article? (What does the researcher already know about the topic under investigation?) The authors of this study mention that it is widely acknowledged that symptoms of depression, GAD, or social anxiety have been linked to decreased emotional regulation. It is common among college students to internalize problems (e.g., Eiser, 2011). Cotinously, hostility is also related to symptoms of depression (Mao et al., 2003; W. D. Scott, Ingram, & Shadel, 2003; Stewart et al., 2010), social anxiety (DeWall et al., 2010; Gilbert & Miles, 2000), and GAD (Hawkins & Cougle, 2011). However, the authors acknowledge that few studies have examined hostility/anger as a mediator between college students’ emotional regulation abilities and the act of internalizing. 4. What research question is being proposed by the authors? What specific question

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